The Ghost Outside My House

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Story: The Ghost Outside My House

Monster(s): Monte de Fiandkonis the Fog Ghost, the spirit of a forlorn young man from the Italian Renaissance who died of a broken heart after the death of his wife and unborn child.

American married couple Quentin and Helena move to a new house on a grape farm in the Italian countryside with their newborn daughter, Ronalda. Everything is perfect in their new life, but not everything is as it seems. At night, a mysterious fog envelopes the land and they hear what sounds like disembodied voices outside. 

At first, they think it's just their nerves adjusting to the new place. But one night, they find Ronalda floating in thin air. Taking a photo, it turns out to be a masculine figure holding her. They consult their new neighbor about it, who reveals that it's the ghost of Monte de Fiandkonis, a young man from the Italian Renaissance whose pregnant wife died from premature labor, killing both her and their unborn child. His wailing ghost possesses the fog and haunts the land that Quentin and Helena now live on.

Quentin Marks, an American accountant.
Helena Marks, Quentin's wife.
Ronalda Marks, the newborn baby daughter of Quentin and Helena.
Odile, the Marks's new next-door neighbor who owns a winery farm.

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