The Headless Coachman of Central Park

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Story: The Headless Coachman of Central Park

Monster(s): The Headless Coachman of Central Park, the ghost of a coachman who was accidentally decapitated who now roams the park, searching for his missing head.

A legend goes around New York City about the ghost of an 18th-century coachman whose head was accidentally cut off during a routine transport as the horses halted abruptly. The force of the sudden stop shot him straight forward off the stagecoach and head first into the road, knocking his head clean off. 

According to legend, his headless spirit still roams Central Park, riding on his stagecoach, searching for his lost head. One winter night, a man is walking through the park alone when he hears the distant whinny of horses. He is too late to figure out what it is when he suddenly run over by the Headless Coachman.

A believer, Carl, goes to find the Coachman and finds the skull of his head under the dirt and the Coachman stops his stagecoach once he sees the skull. With his head back in place, the Coachman can finally rest in peace.

Carl Devery, a strong-willed believer in ghost stories.
Henry Bauch, a ghost debunker who deems Carl to be insane.

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