Dead Men Walking in the Cornfield

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Story: Dead Men Walking in the Cornfield

Monster(s): The Sect of the Scarecrows, a group of possessed scarecrows who haunt a cornfield.

A group of criminals escape from the transfer vehicle when it swerves into a tree, trying to avoid hitting a deer. They hide in the nearby cornfield to decide what their next move is. 

Unfortunately, one of them disappears later that night. While trying to find their way out of the cornfield, they find his mutilated body tied to a pole. Panicked, but ready to give up, the bandits decide to work together to find their way out. Nightfall comes and more of them are dragged off and killed. The remaining two discover that they are being stalked by scarecrows. 

One particular scarecrow stabs one with a sickle knife. Before dying, he removes the scarecrow's mask to reveal his undead face. The rest of the scarecrows surround the lastcriminal left and kill her by setting her on fire.

Dominik Fry, a serial killer wanted for homicide.
Mathias "Clawmark" R. Livingston, a child kidnapper who has been dismembering children.
Tegan Cunningham/Slice, an assassin working for a foreign terrorist organization.
Owen Edwards, a man arrested for aggressive battery and public assault.
Nathan "The Dead Priest" Klyne-Peters, a drug dealer charges for selling weed and other illicit substances.
V, the leader of the passed scarecrows with a large "V" carved on it's chest.

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