Bloody Mary, Quite Contrary

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Story: Bloody Mary, Quite Contrary

Monster(s): Bloody Mary, the legend surrounding a ghostly girl who is summoned at a mirror when her name is spoken three times.

A college sorority, Gamma Pho Alpha, is having a slumber party. While the sorority president, Julie, plays truth or dare with the girls, two of them go upstairs to the bathroom to do the Bloody Mary challenge. 

Nothing happens at first, but the duo start to mock the legend. Their comeuppance comes in the form of strange occurrences like paranormal noises and the bathroom door getting jammed. All the girls start to freak out as this happens. 

Before they know it, the spirit of Bloody Mary appears and vanished as quickly over and over, killing them all before gouging the eyes out of Julie.

Julie, the Gamma Pho Alpha president.
Annie, one of the two girls who summon Bloody Mary.
Kelly, one of the two girls who summon Bloody Mary.

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