Painted Black and White

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Story: Painted Black and White

Monster(s): The Ink Mask, a mysterious mask of unknown origins that transforms anyone wearing into a living, hyperactive and violent cartoon character.

Chris Hawkins is a struggling cartoonist working for an animation studio who believes he is losing his touch as he can't seem to draw the perfect character. His arrogant boss threatens to fire him if he doesn't come up with one eventually. 

While spending some alone time in the studio basement, he finds a black mask shaped like a human face that appears to be made out of unbreakable wood. When he asks his co-workers about it, none of them claim to have seen or heard of it. One night, Chris decides to wear the mask himself, but upon doing so, he transforms into a mischievous, black-and-white, traditionally-animated, 1940's Mickey Mouse-esque cartoon version of himself (complete with Pacman-style eyes, opera gloves, etc.) gifted with the ability to bend and alter reality in a stereotypically cartoonish way. 

Calling himself "Oscar the Unstoppable", he performs a variety of gags and pranks on people, but it isn't long before his pranks turn deadly really quick as he will viciously kill anyone who provokes him.

Chris Hawkins/Oscar the Unstoppable, a hardworking cartoonist and animator who becomes a cartoon version of himself after putting on a strange, magical mask.
Holly Lloyd, an up-and-coming actress and singer whom Chris is in love with.
Mr. Isaac Fleming, Chris's arrogant boss.

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