Attack of the 50 Ft. Diamondback Rattlesnake

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Story: Attack of the 50 Ft. Diamondback Rattlesnake

Monster(s): The 50 Ft. Diamondback Rattlesnake, a hostile Western Diamondback Rattlesnake grown to massive size from genetic mutation due to radioactive exposure.

In 1969, four teenage friends are going on a road trip to a Led Zeppelin concert in Burbank. While driving through the Sonoran Desert, a shard of glass in the road pops their van tire, leaving them stranded. They try to hitchhike, but to no avail. 

They are forced to camp out in the desert until someone comes by to help. After 4 days, they become unkempt and on the verge of starvation. As Yolanda goes to hunt for some food, she finds a large snake skin and follows the sound a rattle down a large hole. The other three go to look for her, only for Craig to be swallowed by a giant diamondback rattlesnake. 

The remaining duo finds a toxic waste barrel with fang holes in it. The snake had fed off of it's contents and grew to a gigantic size.

Deputy Winters,
an Arizona police officer who becomes a victim of the snake.

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