Enjoy Your Stay

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Story: Enjoy Your Stay

Monster(s): Room 666, the hotel room of pure evil where strange occurrences have been happening; serial murders, Satanic rituals and demon summonings. It's believed to be a gateway into Hell.

Everything at the Royal Renaissance Hotel & Resort is perfect and natural. Of course, that's what ghost debunker Jordan Johns seems to believe. The staff are convinced that their hotel is either haunted or cursed as there has been several accounts of murders reported in Room 666.

In June 6, 1966, a Cornish man, Ungust Trelawny brought his family to the hotel and stayed in that room until he went violently insane and killed his family before killing himself. In June 6, 2006, a young married couple, Drew and Madelyn Harvey both strangled each other with phone cables. And in June 6, 2016, a group of college bachelors booked a stay at that room, but they soon attacked each other which ended with one jumping out the window and one electrocuting himself in the bathroom tub. 

Ignoring the warnings of the staff and manager, Jordan books a stay in the room to prove that the murders were purely coincidence. He hears voices telling him to kill himself, which he ignores. 

After some study, he notices that there's a connection between the dates of the murders and they all occur at 6:66 PM. Even the number of the room itself is the number of the beast, according to the bible. Jordan suffers an emotional and psychological breakdown and throws himself out the window, plummeting to his death.

Jordan Johns, a ghost debunker and novelist.
Sam Aarons, John's ex-wife.
Victor Billingsly, the superstitious manager of the Royal Renaissance Hotel & Resort.

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