Scallywags Be Wary!

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Story: Scallywags Be Wary!

Monster(s): Rainbowbeard the Pirate, a vicious English pirate with a rainbow-colored beard and captain of the ghost ship that vanishes in a sea fog.

Legend tells of the curse that lays upon the town of Hell Grove, New Hampshire. Every two years on last day of the year before New Years, a spectral fog appears on the ocean outside the town and anyone out there will be attacked by a band of ghost pirates led by Capt. George Carver (also known as "Rainbowbeard" due to his unnatural rainbow-colored hair) and taken away to be trapped in the netherworld forever. 

Joel and his friends attempt to see it for themselves by taking a yacht out onto the ocean and film everything. At that very hour of the night, the ghostly fog appears and a phantom pirate ship arrives out of nowhere. 

The undead pirates kill off the kids one by one, but Joel is able to get a good look at Rainbowbeard himself before he tossed into the ocean to drown as the camera dies from loss of battery.

Joel Johns, one of the kids our to prove the legend is real.
Casey Friedman
Ian Toms
Jasper Williams
Capt. George Carver/Rainbowbeard, the legendary spirit of the captain of the haunted pirate ship that appears in the harbor of Hell Grove every two years.

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