All Who Face the Mummy's Curse

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Story: All Who Face the Mummy's Curse

Monster(s): King Anupenkau, the husband of Nitakret-seret-en-pi-muntu.

Taking 4 years after All Who Enter the Mummy's Tomb, a team of tomb raiders posing as archaeologists enter forbidden tomb led by Day's estranged sister, Shelby Arwen. There, they discover a tablet on the wall above a sarcophagus; one belonging to Nitakret-seret-en-pi-muntu's husband, King Anupenkau. 

Realizing how valuable it could be, they steal the tablet and take it away to decide what to do with it. However, disturbing a mummy's tomb comes with deadly consequences. Shelby's team are picked off by a supernatural force before it reveals itself to her as the mummy of the king himself, who orders her to return his tablet back to its rightful place. 

She refuses and Anupenkau brings upon ten plagues on her reminiscent of the Plagues of Egypt, water turning into blood, frogs raining on her, boils on her skin, swarms of locusts and even her eldest daughter dying the next morning. 

Still, she holds her ground and threatens to break the tablet, but then the locusts get her first, eating her flesh before tablet falls back into Anupenkau's possession once again.

Shelby Arwen, Day's estranged sister and a greedy and haughty tomb raider and black-market dealer who steals ancient artifacts to sell them for an acceptable payment.
Joshua, a member of Shelby's team.
Marcus, a member of Shelby's team.
Tom Linburg, a member of Shelby's team.
Kirsten Arwen, Shelby's teenage daughter.

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