Life and Death Beyond Our Planet

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Story: Life and Death Beyond Our Planet

Monster(s): The U.S.S.I.C. Karl Schwarzschild B.45/The Paradox, a sentient commercial space vessel that disappeared into a black hole through a time warp into a hellish dimension where the ship herself became haunted and killed it's crew.

In 2235 A.D., governments all over the globe form the United States Settlement for Intergalactic Coalition, where they venture into space and unite life outside of Earth for alliance. Eventually, the U.S.S.I.C. sends out a crew to search for the planet, Axis-4 and mine for it's recourses. 

They aboard the commercial vessel, the USSIC Karl Schwarzschild B.45 (a.k.a. the "Paradox") and sally forth among the stars. The crew is put into stasis until they arrive at their destination. Unfortunately, the mission gets interrupted when the ship gets sucked into a black hole, sending her to an alternate reality of pure evil. The stasis-induced crew is left unaware until the ship returns to the real world. Upon awakening from their stasis unexpectedly, the crews discovers strange things going on. 

Technology operating on it's own, unseen figures moving about, strange disembodied voices and even the ship's A.I., Aeros, is using obscenities towards the crew (it wasn't designed to use such language). The crew started to experience realistic hallucinations, seeing each other as demonic monsters and began slaughtering each other. 

The ship's captain, Wren, discovers that they've inadvertently trespassed into a hellish dimension and the ship has become haunted with it's evil. He is then disemboweled by the now deranged crew members.

Wren, the captain of the USSIC Karl Schwarzschild B.45/Paradox.
Mikayla Izzard, the pilot of the Paradox.
Lt. Antoniye Vrex
First Mate K. Fieldings
Dr. Bray, the architect behind the Paradox's creation.

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