This Game is Wild!

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Story: This Game is Wild!

Monster(s): Izingozi Ezingamanga, a mystical Xhosa-Zulu cursed board game that causes players to experience the actual dangers of a wild African jungle environment, complete with wild animals and such.

Middle school friends, Penny, Jenny, Jill and Gregory are cleaning out the attic of the former's house to look for something to use for their school project when they find a strange board game that nobody's ever seen or heard of called Izingozi Ezingamanga, with an African-style theme to it. 

Curious, they decide to give it a go and see what it's like. However, they find that it hold mystical powers. Each time someone takes a turn, jungle animals emerge and attack the kids. Gregory is mauled by a lion, Jill gets bitten by large spiders (which she's both afraid of and allergic to) and Jenny is trampled by a stampede. 

Penny is left alone to finish the game. Finally, she gets to the end and everything goes back to normal. However, because she finished the game alone and everyone else died (the object to the game is that all players must survive the dangers in order to reach the end), Penny is permanently transformed into a skunk.

Penny Pill
Jenny Whyte
Jill Thompson
Gregory Hills
Mr. Jonasin,
the kids' homeroom teacher.

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