Underneath the Tar Pool

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Story: Underneath the Tar Pool

Monster(s): The Le Brea Tar Things, a group of slimy, tar monsters that are the reanimated corpses of dead Neanderthals.

Dr. Gary Law is a paleontologist who works at the Le Brea Tar Pits. He has been divorced from his wife, Deandra, who thinks his job isn't a real one. Strange things has been happening at the tar pits. Tar footprints lead to and from the tar pools and there has been a mess of tar and bones found in the lab. 

While staying overnight to investigate, Gary follows the trail, only to be ambushed by a humanoid creature covered in tar. Gary fights back, but each weapon he uses gets stuck on the monster's sticky body. Gary hides from it outside and witnesses it disappear into the tar pools. Gary demands an explanation the next day by his colleagues who explain that they been attempting to reanimate their prehistoric ancestors, the Neanderthals, via genetic cloning. 

However, they only succeeded in bringing back dead cadavers which they tried to get rid of by dumping them in the tar pools and covering up their tracks. Unfortunately, this failed and the cavemen clones arose from the dead as tar-covered creatures to wreak havoc.

Dr. Gary Law, an overworked paleontologist.
Deandra, Gary's ex-wife.
Sam Paddington, the CEO of the Le Brea Tar Pits and Gary's boss.
Dr. Milo Till, Gary's co-worker at the labs.
Officer Wilkins

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