The Confederacy's Revenge

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Story: The Confederacy's Revenge

Monster(s): The Ghosts of the Battle of Gettysburg, the vengeful spirits of the lives that have been taken during the American Civil War.

Self-proclaimed ghost hunters attempt to capture live footage of ghosts in Gettysburg after hearing reports of disembodied voices and footsteps inside houses, doors slamming by themselves and other paranormal occurrences. 

On the first night while exploring the Gettysburg battlefields, they see a young woman in the distance and rush to go talk to her, but when they get close, she flees and disappears. Not only that, but they are cornered by a mysterious group of men wearing Confederate soldier outfits who tells them to travel to the South and find the body of Southern slave owner, Julius P. Mchanon, who abused black slaves who rebelled against his orders. 

Upon arrival at the Mchanon plantation in South Carolina, they capture flickering lights and figures standing out of frame of the camera. After they find the body, all hell breaks loose. They see the woman and the soldiers from before who are actually ghosts.

Matt, leader of the ghost-hunting crew.

Julius P. Mchanon, the ghost of a Southern slave owner.
Gen. Stonewall Jackson, the Confederacy general.
The Ghosts of the Battle of Gettysburg, the ghosts of the fallen Confederate and Union soldiers who died in battle.

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