The Creatures of the Cold

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Story: The Creatures of the Cold

Monster(s): The Wendigos, a race of mythical humanoid, cannibalistic monsters that prey at night.

Sampson goes to visit an old abandoned ski resort in Alaska to document the strange occurrences that have happened there. With the help of his partner, Dennis, they uncover a mystery surrounding the 1955 murder case, something of which does not include a logical explanation. 

On their first night at their camp nearby, Dennis hears distorted voices urging them to come out into the cold with them. Dennis is put under a trance by the voices and follows them out into the icy wilderness and is never seen again the next morning. Sampson goes to look from him the next morning, only to be ambushed by a tribe of creatures called Wendigos, canniballistic monsters of Native-American mythology. 

Sampson manages to escape them, but gets his right arm bitten off in the process. He is later institutionalized at a psychiatric hospital for his story.

Felonious Sampson, a down-on-his-luck journalist looking for a story.
Dennis Day, Sampson's partner.
Elroy, the crazed hermit living near the abandoned ski resort who claims to be sole survivor of the 1955 murders.
Wahchinksapa, the cold-blooded and fierce would-be leader of the wendigos reeking terror on the old ski resort with a scar on his face from him and Elroy's last encounter years ago.

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