Keep Off Of The Grass!

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Story: Keep Off Of The Grass!

Monster(s): The Gnomes, a tribe of mischievous faerie-like creatures who despise ceramic imitations of themselves.

Ceramic lawn gnomes have been reported missing all over the neighborhood of Corby, England. Josie Gregory awakes to find her lawn gnomes shattered into pieces along with tiny muddy footprints all over the place leading to the forest. She reports this as a wild animal that must've gotten into her lawn and broken her gnomes, but she can't explain the footprints. 

Her daughter, Ella, investigates tiny collective incoherent voices from outside and gets kidnapped. Josie catches the act and rushes out into the woods to save her daughter. The trail leads her to a tiny village inhabited to actual gnomes, tiny mischievous fae-like humanoid creatures who hate false imitations of them, revealing them to be responsible for stealing the ceramic lawn gnomes. 

The gnomes attempt to kill Ella as she is a witness, but Josie saves her and takes her back home, but the gnomes follow them. A fight between Josie and the gnomes ensues and he crushes the leader with a saucepan. The other gnomes then flee in fear.

Josie Gregory, a single mother.
Ella Gregory, Josie's young daughter.
Officer Bradley, a policeman investigating the broken gnomes case.
Kyle, Josie's friend who is a gardner-for-hire.

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