The Next Bus to Nowhere

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Story:The Next Bus to Nowhere

Monster(s): Nowhere, a dark and terrifying paranormal netherworld-like alternate dimension overrun by thousands of Lovecraftian-style monsters and demons.

Duke Morrie and his friends, Van and Nick, wait at the bus stop to catch a bus to the fair. They hop aboard the first bus that arrives. However, they soon notice that the bus is taking them in an opposite direction; down a deserted street that none of them recognize. Then a mysterious fog shows up out of nowhere and envelopes the bus. 

As the mist clears, the bus stops in a dark, abandoned town overcome with nature and age as if it the end of days has occurred. The boys are forced off the bus, which then disappears into the mist. They find themselves wondering through the outcast town with derelict buildings known as Westbridge, the residential town that mysteriously disappeared in 1984 as part of a top-secret military experiment gone awry, leaving it hopelessly trapped in "Nowhere", a dark, paranormal alternate dimension overrun by a onslaught of monsters. 

Duke gets separated from his friends and tries to wait in vain for the next bus, but nothing comes. The monsters catch up to him and he meets up with them by the town's laboratory. They find a hollow crack in the wall and squeeze through as the creatures close in and they are sent back to the real world.

Duke Morrie
The Bus Driver

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