Here Comes the Bull!

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Story: Here Comes the Bull!

Monster(s): Toro the Hellbull, a demonic bull who is not looking for a bullfight.

Bullfighting turns into a deadlier game than it always is. A Spanish Fighting Bull who is most commonly named "Toro" has killed many of it's matadors. It appears to be learning from them quickly and striking them in the blink of an eye. 

Mayor Ramírez threatens to ban bullfighting from their town of San Rodrigo, but their chief detective, Alejandro Garcia, steps in to investigate these murders. Garcia was a torero himself once, but was disgusted with killing innocent bulls for sport that he retired. He is then forced to play against Toro in the ring to determine if the animal can be reasoned with. Upon looking at the bull, it had fire in it's eyes and was breathing smoke. It also tore apart Garcia's red cape, which is not something the bull does in a bullfight. 

Against his policy to never kill another animal again, he plunges his sword into the Toro's body. Instead, Toro takes on his true form: a fiery, bull-like demon with a ghastly roar. It hates the color red.

Alejandro Garcia, the chief detective and former matador.
Alcalde Miguel Ángel Ramírez, the mayor of the Spanish town.
Javier Lequizamo, a matador who was later killed by Toro.
Concepción Reyes, Alejandro's ex-girlfriend.

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