One Night at the House of Polidori

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Story: One Night at the House of Polidori

Monster(s); Countess Zsa Zsa Katarina Czinégé-Polidori, a Hungarian vampire countess with an insatiable, cannibalistic hunger for the flesh and blood of young and beautiful mortal girls.

Five American college students take a vacation to Transylvania for the summer. One of them, Cassie Belmont, has a different agenda. She wants to camp out inside the abandoned and allegedly haunted Castle Polidori, where many people have disappeared. Although skeptical and reluctant, her friends agree to this, since Joshua, Cassie's boyfriend, wants to film some footage for his web channel. 

First thing they discover is their are symbolic letterings on the walls in what appears to be blood. At first, Cassie assumes that the people who originally lived there believed in Dark Magic. However, the blood is fresh and still wet. During that night, Bill and Lauren have sex, but afterwards, Lauren wanders off in a trace. They try to find her inside the castle, but Bill is dragged away by something. 

After Cassie and Joshua find Victor dead with his throat slit open and drained of blood, Cassie deduces that they are being hunted the Countess, who is a vampire.

Cassie Belmont, one of the teens.
Joshua Kennedy, one of the teens; Cassie's boyfriend.
Bill Woods, one of the teens.
Lauren Dean, one of the teens; Bill's girlfriend.
Victor "Vic" Michelson, one of the teens.
Countess Zsa Zsa Katarina Czinégé-Polidori, the vampire countess who now haunts the land of Castle Polidori who feeds off the blood of any travelers.
Mészáros, a man the teens meet at a bar.

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