Happy Deathday to You!

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Story: Happy Deathday to You!

Monster(s): The Cake Monster, the demonically-possessed, monstrous form of a birthday cake, baked with the blood of the Devil.

It's Alice Kipling's 17th birthday, but she's isn't all that excited. Her parents are always working and her brother, Jim, always ruins everything for her. One time on her 10th birthday, he shoved the cake into her lap before she could blow the candles out. 

While her mother is making the cake batter, Jim replaces the original cake mix with gag mix (believing it has laxatives in it). But unfortunately, this doesn't go in the direction he was planning. The strange cake mix carries supernatural properties and after the cake if finally made, it seems sentient. 

After Alice begrudgingly blows out the candles, the cake forms a mouth with sharp teeth and bites Alice's father's hand off. The cake then grows into the shape of an enormous monster made of cake and frosting. It reveals to have been baked with the blood of Satan.

Alice Kipling, a teen girl.
Jim Kipling, Alice's annoying, mischievous younger brother.
Luther Kipling, Alice's hardworking father.
Charlotte Kipling, Alice's hardworking mother.

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