A Summer at Camp Horror

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Story: A Summer at Camp Horror

Monster(s): The Pure, a clan of feral, cannibals who believe that the End of Days is nigh.

Dysfunctional twins Peter and Pamela are forced to spend their fun together at Camp Sumpter for the Summer. All they want is to be away from each other. After telling a ghost story around the campfire that night, fellow camper, Miles, disappears and isn't seen the next morning. 

Peter decides to sneak out that night and search for him. He stumbles upon a cave where he is ambushed by a clan of feral cannibals calling themselves "The Pure". They believe Judgement Day is nigh and that the only way to prevent starvation is to kill and eat those they see as impure. 

Peter narrowly escapes and rushes to warn the others. That's when the Pure attacks the camp, taking a multitude of campers hostage for later consumption. 

Peter and Pam decide to put their differences aside and work together to save everyone. They relocate the Pure's cavern hideout and kill them all before saving the campers.

Peter and Pamela Smith, a pair of constantly-fighting twins.
Counselor Alice Tompkins, the camp counselor.
Han, a fellow camper.
Lord Uther, leader of the Pure.

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