Revenge of the Freak

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Story: Revenge of the Freak

Monster(s): Vlastislav Jeroným Krejčí the Missing Link, an abused and feral Czech-born man born with a case of Hypertrichosis, giving him a wolf or cat-like appearance.

At the carnival, the local sideshow displays their latest attraction, The Missing Link; a feral and cannibalistic Czech man born with Hypertrichosis, causing him to grow huge amounts of hair everywhere, making look more wolf-like than a human. 

One time, he received a special treatment to help sustain his condition, but it only succeeded in sharping his claws and teeth and making his ears pointy, adding to his wolfish appearance. After a life of verbal and physical abuse by absolutely everyone, he eventually embraced his wild side, becoming the monster everyone called him. 

The Missing Link escapes the sideshow that night and goes on a murderous rampage across town, slaughtering all the people who have wronged him.

Vlastislav "The Missing Link" Jeroným Krejčí, a Czech man with Hypertrichosis who was abused and ridiculed in a circus sideshow before going feral and wild.
Arthur the Wondrous, the cruel ringmaster of the freak-show.

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