The Men's Room

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Story: The Men's Room

Monster(s): Gordon Stokes, the ghost of a young bullied kid who did in the men's restroom from an asthma attack.

During class, Alex Allen had to urinate and went to the restroom. He was all alone when he did and he thought he heard someone enter. But as he stepped out, there was nobody. While washing his hands, his lifted his head up and saw in the mirror a black hand on the top of the stall door. 

Jolting right around and checking the stall, again, there was nothing nor nobody. He decides to talk to his teachers about this, but nobody believes him. Then during lunch, his friends tell him about the ghost of Gordon Stokes, a constantly-bullied kid who had his head shoved in the toilet many times. 

One day, his book bag was stolen from him along with his inhaler and he died of an asthma attack while in the bathroom stall. To this day, if the boy's restroom is empty and quiet, one could almost hear the ghost wheezing from inside.

Alex Allen, a middle school student.
Sarah Nettles, Alex's nerdy classmate.
Mr. Wilson, the P.E. teacher who was the school bully who caused Gordon's death in the first place. 

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