Beware of Bloodshed River

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Story: Beware of Bloodshed River

Monster(s): The River Goddess, an ancient, primordial goddess and trickster of no known name who rules a plane of existence underwater in the river outside the La'guni, who worship her.

Uma West was familiar with an indigenous Amazon tribe called the La'guni in South America so she decides to head down there. Upon first glance, they appear to be generous people, although they can barely hide a look of fear in their eyes. They offer her hospitality, but soon, Uma starts to notice something funny about the water in the area. 

Whenever she looks into it, her reflection acts different than her, making evil smirks and ripping her own jaw open. Even the water starts to develop a mind of it's own as it bounces and even forms a hand that almost grabs Uma. The La'guni explain that they live in fear of a carnivorous water entity known as the River Goddess, who lives in a plane of her own inside the river and can manipulate water outside of it. 

Every full moon, the River Goddess demands a blood sacrifice. If they don't sacrifice at least one of their own, she will wreck havoc on them all and drag them all down to her world for endless suffering. They attempt to sacrifice Uma, but she frees herself of her binds and when the night of the full moon passes, the River Goddess arises from the water in the shape of a young woman after making it rain so she can walk freely, since she cannot walk on dry ground. 

After berating the tribe, she transforms into a giant Dunkleosteus-like fish monster. In self defense, Uma shoves a flaming torch down her cavernous throat, forcing the River Goddess to flee.

Uma West, an outdoor hiker and newspaper author.
Chief Tap'i, the chieftain of the La'guni.
Gary, Uma's neighbor.

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