Substitute Creature

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Story: Substitute Creature

Monster(s): Mr. Creep, a sinister and devious school teacher who has control over insects and arachnids.

Biology teacher, Mrs. Windslow-Green, calls in sick one day is replaced at Westingridge High School by Mr. Creep until she recovers. Needless to say, Mr. Creep is a very peculiar person with red snake-like eyes and sharp nails and teeth. Rumor among the students has it that their substitute teacher is not human. 

Outcast boy, Jeffrey, attempts to prove this by sneaking into the school late that night and, true to everyone's word, he finds dead rats in the drawers of his desk and finds large skins shaped like Mr. Creep's body. 

To make matters worse, he witnesses Mr. Creep himself transforming into a hideous, deformed, reptilian monster.

Mr. Creep, the strange new biology teacher.
Jeffrey, an outcast boy who is out to prove that Mr. Creep is not human.
Wes, the only friend of Wes.
Principal Carper, the principal of the school.
Mrs. Windslow-Green, the biology teacher who calls in sick.

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