I Love My Unicorn from Hell

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Story: I Love My Unicorn from Hell

Monster(s): The Outerworld Unicorn, a unicorn from another dimension that offers a fatal ailment to anyone it touches with the tip of it's horn.

Every child wishes for something big. The Grant family is celebrating their youngest daughter, Gina's birthday, who is turning 9. She wishes for a magical unicorn to bring her family good luck. Unpredictably, her wish actually comes true. 

A shooting star lands outside their farmland and Gina bravely goes to investigate. To her surprise and glee, a unicorn comes into view and licks her face. Although taken aback by this mysterious occurrence, the family decides to keep the mystical creature, for Gina's sake. One day, the unicorn taps Joseph, Gina's father, on the forehead and thereafter, he begins to experience symptoms of a deadly disease. 

He grows weaker, blood pours from his nose, he sweats like crazy and he eventually dies from a stroke. The unicorn does the same thing with Gina's mother and her older brother. Gina comes to realize the grim fact that her birthday wish is turning into a nightmare. That unicorn she wished for isn't ordinary.

Gina Grant, a 9-year old girl.
Joseph Grant, Gina's father.
Matty Grant, Gina's mother.
Brian Grant, Gina's older brother.

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