Little Tattoo Parlor of Horrors

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Story: Little Tattoo Parlor of Horrors

Monster(s): The Tattooist, a tough, bearded tattoo artist working solo at a tattoo parlor who is actually a trickster god of Thai folklore who gives his victims animal-based attributes based on the particular animal tattoos he gives them.

Young punk couple, Maddie and Lee, go to get there first tattoos together at a tattoo parlor where the owner, Gabriel Lynt, has developed a technique in giving tattoos without pain. Lee gets one on his chest of a wolf and Maddie gets one of a tarantula on her left buttcheek. Weeks go by and Lee believes he sees his tattoo move. 

Meanwhile, the two start displaying the characteristics of the respective animals their tattoos depict. Lee is growing hair and acting more aggressive and feral while Maddie discovers she can spin webs and climb walls. They find that Lynt is actually a trickster demigod of Thai folklore who turned his mortal victims into animals via Yantra tattooing.

Maddie Lung, a punk guitarist and Lee's girlfriend.
Lee Hampton, Maddie's boyfriend.
Gabriel Lynt/The Tattooist, a Thai trickster god in disguised as a tattooist in a tattoo parlor.

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