What Happens In the Shadows

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Story: What Happens In the Shadows

Monster(s): The Shadow Man, an amorphous, shadowy, misty, ghost-like figure that can appear as the shadow of it's victims and disappear when exposed to light.

Long ago, a college fraternity Alpha Phi Gamma took three young pledges out for their initiation. They brought them to an old abandoned mansion in the dead side of the town where they were to walk up to the third floor with lit candles. When neither of them returned or responded when called, the fraternity found blood on the third floor. Most of them assumed that they committed suicide, but their bodies weren't found. 

In modern times, Josh Turner, a detective who suffers from sleep deprivation, believes that this was the work of shadow people, dark humanoid figures seen on the corner of your vision. When he goes to investigate in the house by himself with his own candle, he notices that his shadow is moving in stark contrast to his own movements. 

Suddenly, his shadow comes to life, leaps out at him and proceeds to strangle him to death before dragging both his body away into it's realm.

Det. Josh Turner, a police detective who has trouble sleeping at night.
Hugh Sims Jr., the president of Alpha Phi Gamma.
Ashton Glass, one of the three pledges.
Chris Hines, one of the three pledges.
Jonathan Jordan, one of the three pledges.

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