Silent Night, Unholy Night

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Story: Silent Night, Unholy Night

Monster(s): The Killer Snowman, a living snowman with the ability to shoot icicles from it's mouth and shape-shift.

Christmas was right around the corner in little Fort Moureaux, Indiana. Real estate agent Sally Thompson and her family have gone through some rough times. She returns to her family home to celebrate the holidays her parents and other relatives, but they aren't the loving family she once knew. 

However, they do participate in the holiday traditions. After driving back from Christmas shopping, she finds a disturbing-looking snowman in the front yard with an otherwise evil look on it's face. No one in the house claims to have built it, which leaves her unsettled. One night, the curious Sally peeks through the window to see the snowman now facing the house, seemingly looking up at her with that evil look still on it's face. 

A couple of family members are killed in an ice-related fashion (e.g.; freezer burn, stabbed with icicles, frozen to death, etc.) Sally begins to suspect the familiar snowman. And it turns out she's right. The snowman is alive and wants the souls of those who have been naughty.

Sally Thompson, a real estate agent.
Will Lambert, Sally's father.
Jill Lambert, Sally's mother.
Ken Thompson, an accountant and Sally's husband.
Julia Thompson, Sally and Ken's young daughter.
Patty Vicks (née Lambert), Sally's younger sister.
Ellis Vicks, Patty's husband and Sally's brother-in-law.
The Killer Snowman, the living snowman creature who eats the bodies of the naughty.

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