Chapter 58

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Next morning Vivaan woke up early.Last day was spent with worrying about Varnas decision.They werent involved in any more argument.She has become quiet.He wasnt scared about her decision.He was expecting her to leave home.He knew his behavior has been inhuman.Inconsiderate towards her.He apologized for that.But he was kind of sure.She wasnt considering him.He smiled at thought of relationship.They have been hating on each other.From start without any reason.He wondered about his perception towards her.

Door to her room was open.Vivaan entered and found Pranush on crib.His eyes were wide open.He was awake.Not making any noise.Seemed like his stomache was full.He picked him up in his arms.Wishing him morning.He was happy to be in warmth of fathers arms.He played being joyful.Vivaan looked around for Varna.It was complete silence in room.He thought if she already left.He came out of room.Walking outside to open area.Taking seat there.Covering baby properly.

V-"So its Pranu and appa time.Lets play.Tell me do you like spending time with Appa."

Pranush giggled as if giving response to his father.Vivaan was elated to see.His son happy and smiling.From birth he has seen his baby.Sufferring and being on bad health.Poor soul had to bear so much.He kept on giving him kisses.Making him giggle.He threw his tiny hands and feet.Enjoying time with his father.After some time Vivaan held him close to his art.He shut his eyes and spoke to him.

V-"Your amma left us.I promise I wont ever let.Anything happen to you.No matter who is with us.Leaves us.Its ok.We are here for each other.Right Pranu."

Baby frowned.In his language expressed his anger.Vivaan smiled sadly and kissed him.Patting his back.He knew one who have to suffer most.If Varna leaves will be his son.He cant do anything.For his selfish reasons he cant ruin her life.She has right to live.No one has right to force decisions on her.He has understood her this bit till now.She wasnt someone.Who would accept others decisions taken for her easily.He wanted her to be happy.So he was ready to be there.For his son.

V-"Im sorry Pranu.Appa cant get her for you.You are very good boy.I know you will understand right."

His face broke.As Vivaan embraced him in hug.Sharing his pain and heart out.He was in such dilemma.He couldnt do good for his son.By doing something bad to someone elses life.Varna has right to live.Her life way she wants.He wont let anyone judge her this time.Least he knows why she went away.Because he was one who gave her choice.

Whole day he had to skip office again.Helper came but she wasnt able to handle Pranush.Varna never gave him to anyone else.She was only one taking care of him.From morning she was gone somewhere.Vivaan checked her room and found her luggage wasnt there.He understood from that.Wasnt he expecting such move from her.He wasnt blaming her any way.Handling Pranush wasnt easy.He had to find some way.It was difficult for him to attend calls from office.As well as calm down his baby.Who wasnt showing any mercy on helper or his father.

It was evening when helper left.She wanted to stay.Vivaan asked her to leave.Saying he will handle Pranush.Baby have been acting stubborn from morning.When he realized Varna wasnt taking him.Vivaan wasnt surprized one bit.He have understood bond that girl shared.With Pranush and he was helpless in situation.He forcefully fed him milk few times.He cried whole day.Since helper left he again started crying.His face gone red.He didnt knew how to calm him down.He tried giving him some warm water from spoon.Pranush wasnt taking it.His cries got louder.Making him worried.He caught his had.Thought to call for doctor.

Vivaan was inside room when heard doorbell.He covered Pranush with blanket.Patted him but he was crying again and again.He hurried way to open door expecting doctor.As he opened door and turned around.He stopped in his steps.He looked back finding Varna standing.Her face was drenched in tears.Eyes puffy and red.She didnt look at him.Before he could question her they heard cries of Pranush.Varna run inside room.Vivaan stood with sense of relief hitting him.But he didnt knew reason why she came back.He thought she left.Deciding on her life.

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