Animal AU!

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This is not my idea! This idea comes from MollyKate from Discord or @DayDr3am3r420 from wattpad! Big thanks for letting me use this idea! :D

Also I twisted it slightly.


Evil X and Ninja Starz were stood on top of the Statue of Hermity. They were combining their magic. "So you ready to cause some problems, Evil X?" "Hell, ya!" Together they cast a spell over the entire server. "Tomorrow, paws all over the server!" Evil X said with a laugh.

The next morning, X woke up and he felt slow. As he stretch his flippers, wait. "WHAT THE!" He was a turtle. "X? Why are you screaming?" Doc mumbled. X looked at Doc and all he saw was a german shepard. "Babe?" "What?" "Look at yourself!" Doc looked at his paws, and screamed. "What!? How!?" "I have no idea!"

*XisumaTurtle joined the server*

*DocGS77 joined the server*

"X? Glad to see that were aren't the only two that changed." A large fluffy grey manie coon said. He had a singapore on his back, and a had a mustace on it's chest. "Mumbo?" Doc asked. "Yep! And Grian." The singapore huffed. "Why I am I so small?" Mumbo chuckled. "You've asked that 5 times now, G." Grian was very cute. "Do think everyone else is an animal?" "Not sure." Mumbo said, Grian hopping off his back. A bark caught the Doc's attention. A milk chocolate coated dog, with a breaded dragon on it's back came bounding over. "Whoa! More animals!" "REN SIT!" The dragon snapped. Ren sat. "Oi!" "Iskall? You're a lizard!" Grian said. "And you are tiny!"

Grian bit Iskall. "GRIAN NO!" Mumbo said, before picking by the scruff on his neck. A grey parrot, iJevin, and a shih tzu walk. "Why are you normal?" "I count as a mob." Jevin said. "Oh dear, let guess, Biffa and Wels?" X asked looking the pair of animals with iJevin. "Nope! Stress." Stress was the shih tzu. "Wait, then where's Biffa?" X asked. "Over here!" a golden retriever barked! 

"Why are we all animals? I am very confused!" Doc asked. A familiar laugh was heard. "Evil X!" "Nope! Evil Turtle!" Sure enough Evil X was a turtle. "How, you don't have strong enough magic." "He had some help!" Ninja's voice called! (A/N: He asked me for help) Ninja was small dragon. "You both suck!" Grian called.


This was fun. 

Thank you again @DayDr3am3r420 for letting me use this idea!

Discord =


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