All the Pretty Little Ponies

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A year ago, Ren and Iskall's lives became much crazier, when they welcomed 4 pups into the world. Since then, sleep had pretty much been not a thing for these two, but that came with joy, and new discoveries constantly. But right now, sleep was more than just wanted. After all it was 2 am. Ren and Iskall slept peacefully, that is till Ren heard a soft howl. He slowly untangled himself from Iskall to go check on the pups. 

Ren yawned as he walked down to their room. He smiled softly when his eyes landed on the boys sleeping, however his ears fell when he glanced at the girls. Both were up, Lupa howling, Gemma watching with curiosity. "Lupa, no howl honey." Ren said, walking over to the crib. Picking up the small pup, Ren began to softly hum. Gemma was not okay with her daddy only picking up her sister. Gemma began to whine and cry softly. "Gemma, baby." Ren mumbled, as he picked up Gemma. Neither girl seemed to want to sleep. Ren sighed as he sat down in the rocking chair.

He began to softly sing, "Hush-a-Bye. Don't You cry. Go to sleep my little baby. When you wake, you shall have all the pretty little ponies." Ren glanced down, to see Lupa giving a small yawn.

"In your bed, Mamma said babies riding off to dream land. One by one, they've begun dance And prance for little baby." There was something about Ren's voice that just made everything okay, mainly for the girls. 

"Blacks and bays, dapples and grays, running in the night. When you wake, you shall have all the pretty little ponies." Lupa's head nuzzled it's self into Ren's arm, while Gemma was now fighting to stay awake. Ren smiled softly and loving at them. However back in his own room, Iskall was waking up to an empty spot next to him. "Where did he go?" 

"Can't you see the little ponies dance before your eyes? All the pretty little ponies will be there when your arise." Ren slowly got up to put the girls back into their bed, both were now almost fully asleep. Ren hummed the melody of the song as he rocked the girls. 

"Can't you see the little ponies shine before your eyes? All the pretty little ponies gonna be there when your arise." 

"Hush-a-bye. Don't you cry. Go to sleep my little baby. When you wake you shall have all the pretty little ponies. All the pretty little ponies." Ren's voice faded into a whisper as he sent the girls down. Before walking out of the room he took one last look at the pups, smiled then softly shut the door. 

Ren entered his own room, to see Iskall half awake. "Hey babe, why are you awake?" "It got cold by myself." Iskall mumbled. Ren chuckled, before climbing back into bed, Iskall snuggling into him. "So who was it tonight. Lupa, woke Gemma with her howling." "You really need to help her learn when to use that." "I know sweetheart. But right now, sleep is calling all of us." Ren said, wraping an arm over Iskall pulling him closer. "Good night love." Iskall mumbled. Ren placed a kiss on Iskall's forehead, before whispering, "Sweet dreams hon." 


Fun fact: All the Pretty Little Ponies was a lullabye I used to listen to before I fell asleep until about age 5, then it went to word-less music to pretty much today. 

Fun fact 2: Ren uses different lullabies for each pup. Gemma, it's this one. Lupa, Butterfly Kisses. Ray, Return to Pooh Corner. Chan, Goodnight My Angel or Slow Down. And Iskall will never say he does this but according to Ren, Iskall tends to turn on the baby monitor just to hear Ren, I'm not sure how Ren knows this however. 

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