Do not mess my kids

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It was a quiet day, Jevin and his twins were hanging out in the park. The twins were talking(or blabing some recognizable words) at this point. And Jevin was loving every moment of it. "Muma, who tha?" Griffin blabed pointing at a pair of people. Jevin grabbed Griffin and Dawn and held them close. "Jevin, it's been years." "Mom, Dad." Jevin growled. Wels and Biffa were on the other side of the park, at the car, getting something. "Who are they? Human prey?" Jevin sent a wave at his parnets. 

Wels and Biffa saw it. "Who ticked him off?"

Jevin's parnets laughed, before turning back into slime cube form. "It's time to come home, kid." "NO!" The slimes reached for the kids, making the over protective mama bear side of Jevin come out. Jevin's eyes began to glow blue. "LEAVE MY KIDS ALONE!" The slimes froze. "LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!" The slime bounced away. A creeper face appeared on Jevin's arm. 

 A hand touched Jevin's shoulder. "Honey breathe." Biffa's voice said. Jevin turned to see both Wels and Biffa. Jevin's eyes stop glowing. "Come here." Biffa said, as Wels took Griffin and Dawn. "Deep breathe, that's it." Biffa said, hugging Jevin. 


So Jevin gain mob control, and gets scary when protecting his kids

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