The Bike Show....

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I woke up the next morning safe in Jared's arms.  My mind was spinning from the events of the evening before.... my SISTER breaking my best friend's heart, my ex tracking me down.... Jared knocking him out, OH! And the fact I had just slept with my financee's brother! WHAT WAS I THINKING?! WHAT WAS HE THINKING?! WHAT WAS JEANETTE THINKING?! OR MOST OF ALL.... SHANNON! He wanted to marry me and I was carrying OUR DAUGHTER!  Were we not important enough to him? Why was I even wearing this ring if it meant NOTHING!

I slowly and quietly try and slip out of bed, trying not to wake Jared. What have I done? He looks like he is almost smiling in his sleep. I pull my robe on and just watch him... Shannon would always just pass the fuck out half the time he was so worn out after a show. But then there were times that Shannon just slept like he was completely at ease. LIke you could see that he was just recharging and didn't have a worry at all. But Jared, I'd watched him sleep before... When we were together after New York. Jared slept differently then, he had always seemed to sleep almost the same way as Shannon... This... this morning,.. he was different... He was seriously smiling! In his sleep! It was the cutest thing I had ever seen! I could almost hear us singing Stay in my head. 

I went out of the room and to make some tea. I stood by the window stirring my tea and honey, organic of course.... One of the best things I had ever done for myself was realize that even though I was genetically NEVER going to be a twig like ANYONE on this crew, but I could still be healthy, I had SO much more engergy. And I knew it was good for the baby. My baby.... with Shannon... NOT Jared... I felt a tear role down my face.

Out of no where Jared slowly walked up and stood in front of me. He simply took his thumb and lay his hand on my face to softly wipe it away, "No more of these..." His blue eyes made me want to just escape and run away with him. "I don't regret what happened last night Sarah." Jared rarely called me by my birth name. Only Jeanette did that. I noticed the look in Jared's eyes... "I meant what I said, I will not let him hurt you or your daughter ever again!" He wasn't kidding! I felt Connie move as he put his hand on my stomach.

A few hours later we were on the road, still headed to L.A., we were just going straight to Jared's house. After we got some lunch my phone finally rang.... It was Shannon... I just threw my phone down in the console of the car and lean my head against the window of the passenger seat and cried.

Jared picked up my phone and answered it! "HOW MANY TIMES DID I CALL YOU SHANNON?" He screamed.... I jumped.... He pulled over and grabed my hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump baby.... No it's no Jeanette.... She left me... She couldn't let Jackson go.... WHY am I telling you ANY of this! Why do you care? You didn't care when I tried to tell you that he had a fucking knife to your woman's throat... But that's okay.... Cause you fucked up again.... I don't even know why you lied to her in the first place! I had Robin check it out Shannon! There WAS NO BIKE SHOW! Don't worry, MY girls aren't your problem anymore...I told you not to fuck this up Shannon!" And with that he hung up the phone and turned to me.... "Are you okay? Sweets... Please talk to me...."

I looked at him... Tears streaming down my face, "As long as I am with you then I'm okay..." I leaned into him and he just held me. "Can we go home now?"

"On our way baby...." He pulled back from the embrace, leaned down, and kissed me... It was almost like it was a relief to him...  WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!


HIS GIRLS!!!!!! I hit the floor.... I called Robin...... "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TELL JARED?" 

"Shannon, you didn't have anything scheduled that I knew of... I told him the truth.... He said Allan showed up at their hotel room after Jeanette left... SIREN ALMOST DIED! And where were YOU?" I heard her burst into tears and hang up on me.

"Finishing the nursery for Connie..." I uttered as I slipped down the wall in the hallway of my house outside of the room I just made into my daughter's room. I called Jeanette.... "You left my brother?"

"Shannon, something wasn't right... He had been distant for days. And I just wasn't ready... He wanted to get married way to fast. Shannon, I'm not ready to go through the same pain I went through with Jackson..."

"Well do you know Allan found her?"


"Jared tried to call me.... I was busy...I'm at my place.... I didn't have a bike show Jeanette... Where are you? I want to tell you everything... I need to someone to know I wasn't trying to fuck this up!" I was bawling.... I felt like my chest was going to cave in.... 

"I never left.... I was at the airport and couldn't leave.... Text me the address.... I'm on my way...."

"Jeanette... he.... he... Jared took her from me..."

"I'm on my way.... DON'T MOVE!"

She hung up and I just wanted to die... My brother had the woman I was in love with.... He would never let me near her again. My daughter.... My wife.... Even though it wasn't official... She was all I wanted... Everything to me... She was gone... 

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