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I was finally alone in my room and I just couldn't hold it back anymore. It had all been a dream... None of it had ever happened. Tears just rolled down my face for the next hour.


"Mom, she is never going to let me back into her life. I should have never told Allan he should ask her out. I didn't believe her when she said someone attacked her and raped her. Jackson even told me that there was no way she had slept with Allan at the party of her own choice. That he had heard the two of them arguing about the baby the whole time she was pregnant. Telling her to get an abortion, that it wasn't his kid. Calling her all kinds of names. And I didn't believe her." I was sobbing. "The day Allan shoved her down the stairs with Joshua in her arms is burned into my brain! If I could only go back!"

"Stop!" I hear my mother say from behind me. "None of that matters now Jeanette. All that matters is that Siren gets better."

"Why do you call her that? She is Sarah mom!" I suddenly burst out.

"Because it fits." Someone with a deep voice behind me suddenly enters our conversation. "I'm sorry to disturb, I'm Tomo and this is my wife Vickie." THe man with the dark hair motions to his short and petite woman next to him. I recognized them from all of the photos Sarah had taken or shown me of her favorite band 30 Seconds To Mars. "She has deffinately fascinated the brothers, that is for sure. But I am here for a different reason."

Vickie stepped forward this time, "The boys were worried about trying to come down to visit her again today since all of the news cameras have started to come around to find out an update. So to keep with their anonymity about them being there when it happened, we wanted to come by and see how she was doing today."

"She just woke up actually. She is very confussed and very upset." My father spoke up.

"I could never thank them enough for saving my sister's life. They have some hoe been able to find a way in to the hospital every day to see her." I blushed. "Jared and Shannon each even took me to lunch or dinner when ever they could."

"That sounds like them. They have been so worried about her. And everything you have told them about that jerk she had dated and about her son.... Both of the guys want to make sure that you and her are able to have a night out." Tomo reached into his back pocket and took out an enveolope.

"Those are two back stage passes and tickets to the show next month here in Baltimore at Camden Yards. It is the beginning of our stadium tour and with what we have seen of Siren's work, I am offering her a job as the new lead photographer on the tour when she is ready and willing to join us." Vickie explained as Tomo handed over the small legal sized envelope and Vickie pulled a large manila envelope out of her over sized purse. "These are the details and contracts. Please, don't show them to her just yet. Keep them until the concert. The guys want to tell her that they were the ones to help her."

"After everything you and she went through, it is time for some of the heart ache to break free." Tomo smiled. "And those brothers are more determinmed than anything to make sure that happens."

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