2 Weeks Notice

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The nurse comes in to check on me and softly changes out my iv's.  My whole body is crawling in pain. "The meds will kick in soon. Do you want something to help you sleep?" As she flushes the iv and administers the pain medication I softly shake my head no. It is then she notices how red my eyes and face are from crying. "If there is anything I can do to help you honey, I'm here. My name is Kasey. I've been your nurse every day for the last 12 days. You have been my favorite patient." Kasey was a beautiful light skin woman, short stocky, incredibly dark chocolate eyes. You could see that she had a pure soul. "You have had quite a few interesting visitors while you have been in my care. They have been working your legs and arms, talking and singing to you, playing some of the greatest music I've ever heard played for someone in here. It wasn't just calm music, it was music that wanted you to fight to be stronger. One guy even sat here with drum sticks just tapping away while his brother and a friend of theirs played guitars. No vocals just music."

Two brothers and a friend.... No... I'm still thinking it could be real. Just then my mother popped her head in the room.

"Kasey, can we borrow you for a few moments?" My mother looked like she was tired. but still for some reason was smiling.

I must have made her worry something fierce. I didn't even remember being struck. I just remember the photos I was taking. No doubt my camera didn't make it. So I'll never know if those photos I took were the ones I remember from...

The tears just flood back and I start crying all over again.


"Tomo this is Kasey, she has been the nurse you have been seeing taking care of Siren." Carol introducing the woman we have seen every time we have been here. "I'm starting to wonder if you have ever left her side to even go home." Carol smiled.

"I have been wondering the same myself.  I know I have seen you the couple of times I have been able to sneak in with the guys at night to just play music for her." I firmly shake her hand. "Carol I'm sorry I haven't been able to meet you officialy prior to today. My wife and I have been trying to move tour dates around with Emma and Robin. All while to make sure that it would work with what information Jared and Shannon have been finding out with Jeanette. They have been informed about the therapy she will need; they have been helping her with keeping her limbs moving around and if Jeanette can take over her care to help her recover quicker.  Hence why we moved the tour dates to accomidate Siren. We want her to be a part of this family and will wait to start the tour until she knows her new job is ready for her. We have never moved a tour, but Jared thought that this was important to make sure that this woman is a part of this. Dreams are meant to come true, Siren has fought her battle, it is time for her dream to come true. Her talent spoke for her heart with the brothers, and the two of us."

"Kasey, you're an incredible nurse and we have seen your dedication to your work. I found out that your step-sister Pearl and you have been taking both shifts to care for Siren. That has also been noticed. This is for you and your sister." Vickie takes another envelope out of her bag.

"Those are contracts for private care nurses. We as the crew would like to hire both of you on as our medical staff for the tour. We have often come down with minor dumb stuff but it is always nice to have someone on the tour who can patch us up." I laughed then continue, "And keep the brothers in line. You have both had some fun with the brothers. I understand Pearl called Jared James Franco and you almost had an asthma attack from laughing at her sassy no care attitude. Told him that his brother was hotter anyway; when he got all upset about her telling him to shave that bush on his face."

"Is that why he trimmed his beard the other day?" Vickie busted out laughing.

Kasey looked dumb-founded. Just as Pearl walked up and smacked her on the shoulder. "We would be honroed to tour with you Tomo. As long as Franco and Mr. Pretty Eyes keep their eyes glued to the two girls they keep discussing every time they are here by them selves."

"You know Pearl, you remind me a LOT of their mom. Tell them how it is and make them fix it!" Hence why you and Kasey were invited. They like your sass!" I laughed.

Pearl was a tall woman of (we'll call it) 5 foot 12 inches; crazy colored hair, and a just as bold personality. She was Irish; her skin was as pale as the whipped cream pie that she threw at Shannon one night when his snoring woke up a man in another room. She was wild enough to go in and move Siren to a private room that just so happened to be the most secluded room on the ICU wing. Just so that 'James Franco and Mr. Pretty eyes could keep playing music because it was helping Siren.' She told Doctor Jackson that she was going to get better if it was the last thing Pearl did. And since Jackson knew Siren and Jeanette from college and was engaged to Nicole, Siren's best friend. He didn't argue much. He just told her that she had to get better for little Michael to know his auntie after he was born.

"And don't you worry about that... Those guys have a plan to win over Siren. So Jeanette, when you get to the concert, just follow my lead. Trust me, you won't be disappointed with the ending." Vickie smiled like the cat that ate the canary.

I laughed cause I knew exactly what she was talking about! "Just enjoy the ride from here on out girl, it will be one you will never forget. You've been given two weeks notice before your life and Siren's life get turned up-side-down."

"It's gonna be a shake and bake sort of change girl, and Kasey and I are gonna help!" Pearl beamed. 

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