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Jeanette and I woke up in Jared's old room once again... I pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead... She stirred in my arms and just looked at me... 

"Happy Valentine's Day..." She said with a half smile... "I'm sorry I'm not my sister and you aren't in your bed."

"I'm sorry I'm not my brother, and you aren't in his bed with him..." I muttered as we both sat up.

"It's okay... I know it will only be a matter of time till you and Sarah get back together. She can't be that heartless... I know she loves you more than him."

We both got ready for the day and I was already in the kitchen when Jeanette came in for breakfast... "How can you be so sure she will still take me back? How do you know she's not going to try and work things out with you?" I poured her a cup of coffee and sat down at the counter table in my kitchen. 

"Because I know my sister better than even you and Jared..." She took a sip and put her coffee next to mine and sat in the chair next to me... "She wants what she can't have... Jared and her may THINK they love each other... But that ring was still on her right hand wasn't it? She came here to find out if she still loved you didn't she?"

"Yeah of which you promptly stepped into the middle of...." I reminded her... But then felt guilty... "I did see you in the hall before I kissed her, I'm sorry for that.  Then when I saw the bite mark on her... I flipped out!"

"Why? It's just a hickey? Who cares if Jared left a hickey on her? You used to do it all the time!" She laughed...

I wasn't laughing... I was furious still... "Because, that meant he claimed her as his woman... It's a stupid thing between me and my brother that if we ever left a mark on a woman that mean we were serious enough about them to show the world they belonged to us and noone else! It was a line we wouldn't cross between each other when a girl would say they wanted to hook up with us."

Jeanette look sick..."Do you remember when you and Sarah got back together? When Jared and I finally got together?"

"Of course.... She told me she helped pick out your engagement ring..." I was taking a sip of my coffee when... a light bulb when on in my head... "Oh my god... He never bit you did he?"

"The ONLY time he EVER was rough and dominated me was the first few times we were together... I started to notice him pulling away from me... Things just weren't always kinky with us... No frills just great sex!"

"Really not helping this morning's mood there babe... Don't want to think about what he could be doing with her today..." I just glared at her over my cup...

"Shannon, the look in her eyes yesterday... I've never seen her act like that! I think I may have fucked everything up... I think I just drove her straight to him... And the fact that you two had a rule about marking people... The bite was there, but it never showed... I don't think he meant it to... I think he was waiting for her..."

"You don't think I know that?" I put my cup down and went over to pull the muffins out of the oven... "Jared has always been the one to get the girl... He thinks he is top shit cause he is the more famous brother! Well, Siren didn't care about the fame... or our money... So why would he think that she would HONESTLY choose him over me? She marked me plenty of times!"

Jeanette was worried... I could see it in her face... "She's closer to having that baby than anyone thinks... Is Jared going to be able to remember that he and I can't step in between you and her once she is born?"

"Are you going to try and stop either of us from being with her?" I looked her dead in the eyes... "I did catch that... I am NOT going to forget you are in love with her still...."

"No Shannon, my sister and I have to remain just that... Sisters... ESPECIALLY now..."

I looked at her puzzled... "I cost her Joshua... I won't see her before I leave later today... I'm not standing in the way of any of you... If Jared wants to start over with me, then I will tell him where I'm at... Until then..." Jeanette took a long deep breath, "Shannon, I've been doing a LOT of thinking... ANd I think it would be best, no matter how you and I feel about each other... that I leave....So I book a flight and I'm leaving this afternoon."


"Because, if she sees that you are serious about wanting her back, then you have a shot... And maybe once that happens, Jared will remember that I loved him at one point too... And that he loved me... Maybe it will be enough to start over. But I have to say good bye to my past, and that includes Sarah and Jackson..." She looked at me with those green eyes that made me weak... "And you Shannon.... I tried to fight it, but I love you.... I'm not in love with you... I've forgotten what that was until I saw her in Jared's arms today... I wanted to scream... I love him, and that is what I need to focus on. If my sister wants me back in her life, then I will come back for my niece... Nothing more..."

I pulled her into my arms... "This is all my fault.."

"No, it's not. You and I would have never intentionally slept together unless we were drunk right?"

Ouch... That one hurt... I knew I deserved it but it still stung.... "No kid.... We would have... Just like some how Jared would have found some way to sneak his way around me to sleep with her sooner if I hadn't told him how I felt about her from day one... I just don't know how to keep my mouth from spewing shit that gets me into trouble when I'm cornered... I'm jealous and pissed my brother has my woman and I just lashed out...I'm sorry I said things that have hurt you. " I kissed her lips softly... "I do love you Jean... You are my best friend besides my brother and her... I'm sorry all of this has been such a disaster..."

"Shannon, it's not over yet... The ring he gave her is not on her left hand right? That means there is still time. And even if it is over, you will never be kept from your daughter. I will make sure of that!"

I just hoped she was right... That it wasn't too late... "I just have to remember not to get trashed if you're wrong..."

Jeanette kissed me this time with a fire... "I hope I'm not wrong too, and if I am... Then you let me know where you stand, and I'll be back so you don't loose your daughter... I won't let you pick up another drink Shannon... No matter the reason or the cost... Not another drink! Do you hear me?"

"Yes Mistress!" I giggled as I pulled her in for one more devilish kiss before I released her from my arms so she could get ready to leave.... "Where are you going by the way?" I picked up our coffee cups and started the dishes from our breakfast....

"Home... to say good bye to Jackson, and then to our son... It's time I let them both go and let my Sarah.... finally beome who she was meant to be...."

"And who is that if I may wonder... "

"She was born to be Siren..." with that Jeanette smiled, turned and walked out the door. 

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