Dresses and Lines

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Shannon and I were packing up to go away for a romantic weekend for his up coming birthday as I hear my phone start playing Up In The Air.

"Do I even want to know who that is?" Shannon laughed.

I smiled and grabbed my phone off the charger... "It's Nikki... That is her favorite song, so I made it her ring tone..." I have already answered it so I kiss Shannon on the cheek and put the phone to my ear, "What's up babe..."

"So I'm standing here with Jeanie, and I see the PERFECT dress for you! It is ALMOST exactly what you drew up 20 years ago!"

"Nikki, I don't even have that drawing anymore! I shredded it years ago!" I  stepped away from Shannon even further as he was zipping up his bags. "Besides, that was a kids dream... I'm a big girl now and..."

"Siren Elizabeth! Shut up and get over to your mother's hotel room before you leave and leave Shannon in the truck!" *CLICK*

"Shit..." I just shook my head and chuckled.

"What is up my love?" Shannon wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. "You know, you are able to get new ink now if you want some... I would love to see you with a little rose on the back of your neck behind your ear... Can I take you while we are away?"

I smiled as he kissed the spot on my right where his triad would be on his left. "You just like that spot and want to mark it permanently!" I laughed.

"Yup! Cause behind it you could put drum sticks!" He chuckled. 

"I will think about it... Cause then, you couldn't have your little magic spot till it healed. And you know what you do to that spot... How would I get through a tattoo there with out raping you!" I laughed as I turned around to kiss him. Just as our lips met and we started to make out, Connie started to fuss in her basenette. We both stopped mid kiss and chuckled. "So much for that idea! It is a good thing we are taking her to Napa with us! We could end up in trouble before we realize it if we didn't have our little alarm system!" I smiled as we both let our arms fall and I went to pick her up. "Does my princess want her breakfast?" 

"I'll go grab her a bottle while you change her. I'll be on diaper duty on the road if you want... Doesn't botther me a bit..." He kissed my cheek and then our daughter's head, "Then you can tell me why you shredded your drawing and what Nikki had to say to cause you to shake your head like that. I bet I'm not aloud to know too much, so you can tell me what you can."

I laughed as I lay Connie in her changing table in the nursery and heard Shannon grabbing the bottles and formula out of the kitchen. "So what makes you think you can't know?" I call to him.

"Cause if Jeanette or Nikke tell you what I have been having them help me with, I'll send Jared and Mike after the both of them! If my mother doesn't get to them first!" He laughed.

"Nicole found something she wanted me to see that resembled one of the dresses I used to design. I suck at drawing, and after Jeanette and I went through everything with Jackson, and Joshua, and Sondra... I just shredded half my old designs and gave up to stay with my photography." I had finished getting Connie changed and picked her up into my arms.

"Joshua would have loved his little sister!" I beamed staring at her in my arms. "You actually look a lot like him Princess..."

"You never told me what his full name was, or why you decided to call her Connie and not Victoria or Tori, or..." Shannon stopped when he saw the tears streaming down my face. "Give her here, I've got her... Go get LoLa from across the hall." Shannon took our daughter from my arms and opened the door to see Angel Eyes and his mother standing in the doorway.

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