Caught up...

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He is ON FIRE behind the drums. Shannon looks over at me every now and then and I grab a few sexy ass shots of him staring me down. I am in awe... I can't believe this is happening to me. Jared is electric in front of the crowd. I have even grabbed a few shots of Vickie rocking out watching Tomo like she was in high school! It was awesome to see him peak over at her and just wink at her. I had even caught a couple shots of them through out the afternoon. I hope I edit them with justice for them. They are adorable moments. I even caught a few of Jared with some of the fans in the crowd. He adored them! They in turn of course were in love with him! Who wasn't! He was incredible and unpredictable... and of course a rebel in his own right.

Shannon had just finished a song and ran back stage by where I was standing to grab a bottle of water. Jared was grabbing his acoustic guitar to do the accoustic set when he saw Shannon lean over and whisper in my ear, "Come back with me tonight. I want to spend some time with you. Please, think about it."

Just then I see Jared pick up his mic like a light bulb went on in his head. He goes over and whispers something to Tomo. He smiles and nods and I hear Jared light up the crowd, "How are we doing tonight?" The crowd erupted! "Tonight I want to change things up a little bit. I have had the pleasure of having a bit of fun with the newest member of our touring crew. She is one of our newest photographers and she is an incredible singer! I had the great honor to sing with her earlier today. She is from a local area near by so can we all show some love to Miss Siren Knight!"

I felt Shannon grab my hand and he smiled as he led me out on the stage. The next thing I see is Tomo handing me the microphone I was using during the sound check. I was going to pass out! Jared grabbed my hand and leaned back and whispered something to Shannon. He chuckled and nodded and ran back over to his drums with a shit eating grin on his face. I was screwed... He was going to do what I thought. He was going to make me sing with him infront of a HALF A STADIUM FULL of people! 

Jared looked at me and smiled. He still had my hand when he started talking, "Siren I want you to sing a song with me please. In front of your home town crowd I want you to show them how incredible you are!" He smiled and I heard Tomo start playing the keyboard. It was Stay... Jared started... "All along you was a fever...."

I started to sing with him so soft at first.... and timed it out to add it on as like an effected back harmony... I had no idea what I was doing but if what I was hearing over the speakers was right... It was coming out killer... Shannon started in with the drums and I got lost... The music just flowed and I let everything go... "Now you know.... Not really sure how to feel about it... something in the way you move.... makes me feel like I can't live with out takes me all the way...." I  glanced over Jared's shoulder and saw Shannon watching me sing. I forgot anyone else was there.  I felt comepletely caught up in the music...the beat... everything! I felt his eyes watching me and as I finished the song with Jared I only heard my voice over the speakers on the last part... "I want you to stay......." The crown cheered! I was beat red.... I felt over whelmed.... Jared held my hand up and hugged me....

"That was GREAT!" He smiled and led me off stage under his arm to get his guitar.

Shannon was waiting on the side of the stage watching me. As soon as he could he motioned for me to follow him. I did and he pulled me behind a couple of great big speaker cases stacked behind the stage. As soon as he saw we were alone and out of sight he was on me. His lips were on mine and the fire in his kiss was intense! I've never felt anything like the way I feel when I am with him. I feel like I'm caught in a storm. I just want him to carry me away. He breaks the kiss and I hear him growl deep as he comes by my ear where his triad is tattooed and kisses my neck. Then I hear him whisper in my ear, "I told you I wouldn't bite..." He licked my earlobe and I almost colapsed as he pinned me against the case and leaned into me. I couldn't believe it, he grabbed my right leg and pulled my thigh up around his waist! I could feel him through his pants. He was hard as a rock! WHAT! He growled again, "unless you asked me that is..." I almost dropped! "You ARE coming back with us tonight. I want to be alone with you." And with that he let my leg go and grabbed me and brought me back around and handed me my camera as he grabbed his drum sticks. We made it back just in time for Jared to fly back off stage to drop his guitar back off so they could finish the last couple of songs.

I was done! I don't know how or why or what kind of lottery I had hit!... I didn't care... I was in to him! I wanted him like I had never wanted ANYONE! And I was not going to push him away anymore! I gave.... I was his! Shannon kissed me... ON THE LIPS and ran back on stage. He started pounding on his drums and they started up Conquistador. I just beamed as I took the last few photos of the night. I was like a highschool girl who caught the eye of the coolest guy in school! For once... I was getting the guy!

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