The Cost of Love

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Vickie bolted as they heard the code paged....  Constance put my God-Daughter in my arms and kissed her son on the forehead and ran out of the room. 

"She's gone isn't she..." I hear Shannon whisper. He looked like someone had nailed him in the nuts with a fast ball... "I can't do this with out her... What would I tell our daughter?" 

"No... No... That doesn't mean it's her..." I went over and sat next to my best friend.... "Shannon... I want you to look at this beautiful little girl." I put Connie in her father's arms.... I put a pillow up under his injured arm so he could hold her the right way and actually see his daughter's face. "She looks just like her mother doesn't she... I want you to look at her and know how much you love your daughter... You are her father! You are the one person in this world who loves her as much as Siren does... "

Shannon finally smiled as he stared into the face of his daughter... "I'm in a lot of pain... but she just takes it away... Man she is perfect! How is she so perfect being born so early? Sarah had almost 6 more weeks...."

"SIREN didn't get much choice... your daughter is as stubborn as you are man.... She was ready to meet us all... NOW!" I laughed...

"She really does hate being called Sarah doesn't she.." Shannon laughed weakly... "Okay... that hurts..."

"What does? Do you need a nurse?" I put my hand on his good shoulder.... The back of his left shoulder had some slight road rash from where his jacket had been ripped open.

"No... Jeanette left because she said Sarah was born to be Siren... And she needed to say good bye to their son..." I saw Shannon take a deep breath and a tear came down his face... "I fucked up... Now I understand why Siren was so fragile..." I saw Shannon struggle to lift Connie up to kiss her as she slept.... She was safe in his arms... "I don't know what I would do if I lost her... My ENTIRE world revolves around this little tiny thing in my arms... Tomo, you're my witness... I will NEVER pick up another drink! My daughter is everything to me! I will NEVER let anyone hurt her! I would rather DIE!"

"Good to hear!" I hear a shy voice come from my right... "I was afraid my sister's death would be in vain... But now I know why she fought so hard to come back. Her daughter has the best guardian in the world..." Jeanette was in tears with Jared standing behind her. "They brought her back, they have no idea how... They are taking her now to see if there is any brain damage... But she was gone..." Jeanette collapsed on the floor.

Constance and Vickie came back in with Emma in tow... All of them looked like shit... Vickie ran straight into my arms... 

"She flat lined again..." Constance looked like she hadn't slept in days... Which she hadn't.... "I brought a bottle from the Nurses Station and a diaper... They wanted to come take her so you could rest and I told them to fuck off!"

I kind of chuckled... "I love your mother... She is GREAT! Blunt and to the point! Go Momma Leto!"

"There's more than one of us now... So you may have to be careful who you say that too!" She smiled... "She's going to make it... I know she will... She has to... That little one needs her momma..."

"When did you get here?" Shannon asked Jeanette...

"About the time I saw..."

"Siren doesn't need her here... She was just about to leave..." Jared snapped at her.

"Hey man!" I let go of Vickie and stepped towards Jared... "Not the time and place... Jeanette why don't you and Vickie go get something to eat... I'll deal with dick head..."

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