About Time

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My Siren was back in my arms, and I wasn't letting go... "So I'm serious... Let's go get married..." I kissed her lips. 

"Shannon, if you do I will beat you..." Jared spoke up. "She deserves a real wedding... Besides... you both have a LOT of talking to do... Take a page from me and Jeanette... WE are waiting till we get married..."

"That's horse shit and I know it!" I hear Siren bust out! "The second my sister finds the right moment Jared... YOU ARE SCREWED! She is just as Kinky as I can be!" 

I laugh and  look over to see Jeanette pull my brother's arms around her body and lick his jaw line... "You have no idea!"

I laughed as Siren took my hand hers and laced our fingers together... "I remember a few things we still haven't tried... " she giggled as she swung our hands together... 

"You just wait till you and I can be together again... You are in trouble.... I have missed you so much... " I whisper into her ear.... 

"Let's give them some time to talk... Tomo and Vickie are talking to a friend of mine for a project I am working on... I have a few of them... Why don't we go have lunch my love... Just the two of us..." I hear my brother pulling Jeanette out of the bus and closing the door. 

I turned to kiss her and she had already ducked away to make coffee... "Jean say's I'm getting better, but no rough shit till after the baby is born. She doesn't want me to jepordize the baby. She won't even let me go horse back riding... at all!"

"What if you were to fall?" I came up behind her and slid my arms around her....I wrapped her belly in my hands... "Don't get me wrong....I would love to see you riding a horse in the middle of the desert with me, our cameras, a picnic lunch, and all afternoon to get lost in each other's arms on a blanket..."

"You know for a bad ass drummer you sure have a sexy soft side...." she smiled as she laced her fingers through mine and layed her head back on my chest. "It's like Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde.... Tormenting the fans with you sexy eyes....Those fucking massive arms... "

"I've missed the way you fit just right in them... Especially at night, after a show, and we've fucked like three times..." I laughed remembering how crazy we could be. She turned around in my arms and looked up with those eyes of hers that I had gotten lost in so many times...  "Seriously... If something were to happen to you... You have no idea how much of a mess Jared and I were... Jeanette and mom held us together. Tomo And Vickie helped when ever they could. We were all so worried... Please, no more scares like that... I want to actaully get to see you in a wedding dress... So promise me... no matter what," I took her face in my hands, I softly kissed her lips... "You will not over work yourself or do anything that will cost us what we have fought so hard to get back. I love you and I can't live with out you."

"Can we go somewhere so we can just relax and be alone?" She wrapped her arms around my waist and I just pulled her in to my body.

We would be in Vegas for three days, so we had all gotten suites in MGM... I had and idea to do something special...  Since Jared had gotten us a big suite to share... and it was obvious Jeanette and him should be able to spend some time alone. Tomo and Vickie were already gone. So I had a plan...

"Would you be okay with LoLa in the bus for about an hour?" I asked.

"Sure... I can grab a shower, get comfy, and grab something to eat." She smiled.

"I like the sound of that... But save room for dessert..." I had an idea that would remind her how things used to be, how much we love each other... I needed to make things right with her... And I knew exactly how to do it... "I have something special I'm going to go get together... Do you trust me?" I some how managed to utter the words.

She looked at me and smiled with out hesitation, "Shannon, I trust you with my life my love. I finally realized that I just couldn't live with out you... No matter how hard I tried..." She stopped and took a deep breath... "Shannon, to be honest, I tried to move on with Jared... Things just never seemed right. Neither of us could get past, well... you! And you even heard it yourself from Jeanette... I would dream of being in your arms every night. One night, I remember dreaming of you and me in Pittsburgh, that night by the river when we making out under the bridge. Then Emma and Rboin were the ones that caught us... I remember how quick you turned back around on the bike and we took off.." She stopped...lowered her eyes and put her hands on my chest... When she looked back up at me I wiped the tears that streamed down her face, "Shannon we wrecked and YOU were the one who didn't make it... I woke up screaming in Jared's arms. He tried to calm me but there was no having it. I made him call you and tell you I was asleep. He had you on speaker so I could hear your voice. I knew that night I had to let things go. It was about time that I was happy in my life, and you make me happy. Jared kissed me and told me he would always be there for me but he had come to have feeling for Jean... We realized as much as we cared for each other, we couldn't go passed where we were... as much as we may have wanted to... our hearts were spoken for...."

"That is why he called me when we left out that night Kansas City!" I had been wondering why he had called me at 4:03 a.m. that night... he said he was trying to bounce ideas off of someone and she had fallen asleep. "You knew then? Why did you wait till now to say something?" Siren was wrapped up in my arms and lay her head on my chest...I held her tight.

I felt her breathe deep before she spoke, "Because I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be as fragile as I was... I needed to get my strength back up. I couldn't be with you the way we were... I needed to be stronger in my mind about myself and us. And I needed to know that I wanted to be with you for the right reasons. Not just because of the baby." She held me so close like she was almost shaking. "You are more than just someone who walked into my life by accident... Shannon, you and I are being given a chance to make up for what we have both lost from our past. I get a chance to make up for what I couldn't give Joshua, and you get the chance to be the AWESOME dad I know you are going to be... " She pulled out of my arms and went to her jacket... 

She pulled a small piece of white and black paper. "I waited, so I could show you the reason we were brought together.  I wanted you to see your baby. Say hi daddy..." There in her hand was a sonogram photo of our baby. I hit my knees. I wrapped her in my arms and pulled her to me and kissed her stomach. i looked at the photo... There he or she was... "Are you okay.... Shannon?"

The tears streaming down my face I got up off the floor and pulled her to me and kissed her! I was NEVER going to let her go again. 

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