Broken Masterpiece...

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I couldn't believe he didn't tell me that they were here! And of course Emma's little joke... DID NOT help my nerves! But I went over and went through the bags. Shannon went over with me. LoLa greeted me and I grabbed her and took her back to our room... "I'll be back in a few... I'm going to go feed her, have a smoke and change so I can cook... " I turned to Shannon, "Can I have the keep babe?" I looked at him in his tight little black t-shirt trying to cover the marks I left on his shoulder earlier! I grabbed LoLa's leash and turned and looked at him.... I knew how to make him give me the key... Jared walked behind me to get a fresh cup of tea... I grab Shannon and pull him to me and lean in next to Shannon's neck as I lick up his triad tattoo... I whisper just loud enough for Jared to hear me, "Please Shannon... give it to me..." I feel him shutter under my lips on his neck... I knew I was in for it later.... At the same time I heard Jared spit his tea out and almost choke. So I nibbled on Shannon's neck.. "Please..." I whimper in his ear....

Shannon grabs my hand and pulls me down the hallway and into our room! Not a word was said.... we just left... I could only imagine what they were saying about the whole thing... As soon as we were in the room Shannon had me pinned and ripping my favorite flannel shirt open ripping the buttons off it.... his arms were around my waist and his massive hands pulling at my body as we kissed... 

"I want you... NOW!" I heard him growl as we kissed... he dropped his pants and mine, pulled my legs up around his waist and slid right into me with out saying another word. I felt like I was going to scream except I couldn't breathe between kisses and his dick pounding into me.... With in minutes we both exploded and he finally released me from his grasp. I almost fell when he let go... 

I started giggling and got dressed again... "I bet you they are in there laughing their asses off!"

"I don't give a fuck, YOU asked for it! Litterally!" he laughed as he buckled his belt and kissed me... "That fucking deserved a smoke, change we smoke and I'll go shut them up!"

I looked at him finally able to breathe, "Deal..."

********** Shannon arrives back at Jared's room.... SHANNON's P.O.V.*************

Jared opens the door... "I don't think I have ever seen you grab a girl and bolt that quick EVER!" he stands aside and I come backk into the room. Emma is laughing... "She must be one kinky bitch!"

I almost hit him! "Stop!" I glare at him... "She's different... I've never felt like this... Quit being an ass man! I called mom and asked her for her ring today jack ass! I'm going to make sure that if things keep up the way they are going... by the time we get back to L.A. I'm asking her to marry me! Now back the fuck down Jared!" I was pissed! I went out on the balcony and pulled out my smokes... WHY DOES HE HAVE TO PISS ME OFF LIKE THAT!


I felt like getting sick. I couldn't let it happen! She needed to be mine! I could battle her wits... I wanted to get lost in her eyes... I wanted to know what power she held over him... Would the same hold for me? Or did it already? This is my brother's girlfriend.... I walked out and slammed the door... I went down the hall and knocked on her door. She opened the door and looked shocked.... I didn't think I just moved... I went in to the room, as she closed the door behind her she knew something was wrong... I didn't think yet again... I just took her face in my hands and kissed her! She almost didn't fight against me till she realized I was really kissing her... Those few seconds were heaven! 

She pushed me away and slapped me across the face... "Are you KIDDING ME! Shannon is your BROTHER! I'm his GIRLFRIEND!"

She actually finally said the word! He had called her his girlfriend, now she had finally said it... The frist time she said she was his girlfriend was yelling at me beacuse I just violated my brother's trust beyond belief! But I had to see if she would kiss me back....And she did! "I'm so sorry! Siren please, don't tell Shannon! PLEASE... I don't know what happened... I'm sorry....Shannon and I got into it for a second and I just lost my head.... I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

She looked at me.... "I will keep my mouth shut as long as you dont EVER touch me like that again! And I promise you this, I will NEVER be alone with you again! I'm NOT going to fuck this up with him!" She paused and closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened her eyes with tears in them... "Not even for you!"

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