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I was on cloud nine! I let go of Siren's face and she was smiling ear to ear and the tears just flowed! "You're serious? You just asked me to marry you?" I whispered as I kissed her again... I was pissed at Jared for keeping me from hugging Siren when she got here... Now, I could care less! It was worth it! I finally broke our kiss and looked back down at her left hand. I wasn't dreaming... Her engagement ring was on her hand and she had slid a band on to mine. I was dreaming... I had to be!

"Now do you understand why we ALL told you to just shut up Shannon!" Tomo laughed!

I turned to see my mother, brother, best friends... everyone! They were ALL smiling or crying! Emma was jumping up and down and Robin was just trying to hang on to her as they were hugging! My mother.... She was BEAMING! My brother, he had his arms firmly around Jeanette, and the BIGGEST smile on his face... He winked at me and I just shook my head and looked back at Siren... She was staring at me... 

"I was afraid you would be mad as hell... They were all in on it by the time Jared got here. I'm sorry I just..." I didn't give her another chance to say anything.... I kissed her and pulled her into my arms.

"So since my oldest son is finally happy... How about my youngest?" I hear my mother ask Jared.

I finally break my kiss with Siren and just hold her as close to me as I possibly can.... "I'm NEVER letting you out of my arms..." I whisper as I turn her around and pull her back to my chest and cradle her in my arms as we lace our fingers together as we lock hands. I see my mother hand Jared a box... "Oh my god..." I lay my head on top of Sirens and hear her giggle. "You two planned this out on the balcony didn't you? I mutter. Her giggle turns to a hushing sound and she points and just smiles.

Jared smiles and turns Jeanette's face to his... "I'm happy... But I guess I could be happier..." Jared pulled away from Jeanette. Her face looks like he just rocked her to her core. "I mean... My brother has my best friend with his ring on her hand.... I mean..." He just kicks the deck as he grabs the box from my mother's hand... "Just what, a day or two ago, Siren and I were going to take on the world together.... But now, I realize as much as I love her...and she is where she belongs... But I'm jealous!" He looks at Jeanette and has the most serious look on his face. "I want a family... But I realize, that as much as I want my own family, Siren is a part of Shannon's family... But Jean, YOU are mine..." Jared drops down on one knee and pops open the box in his hand... "You still want to start that family with me one day Jeanette? Cause I am hoping you will let me spend the rest of my life reminding you of how much I love you. I can't let my brother and my best friend be the only ones with a happy ending... Will you let me be your happily ever after?"

Jeanette threw her arms around my brother and just cried... My brother pulled Jeanette in too his arms and stood up to slide her ring back on her hand as they kissed. Tomo had Vickie in his arms... They were both beaming! Emma, Robin, and my mom were all in tears.

"I think this was the best idea the two of you ever came up with Siren!" Emma laughed! "I'm SO glad you let us help!" She couldn't stand still.

Robin had finally let her go and whispered to my mother and went back in Jared's house to grab Connie. She came out with a camera and my mother took it from her as Robin handed Connie to Emma.

"So... Both my sons are happy... It's about time! Siren," Mom had the camera up and zoomed in on us... "That smile on Shannon's face is NEVER going to come off! I've NEVER seen my son so happy!" She turned and looked over at Jared and Jeanette... "This will be a perfect picture of the last few days before you cut your hair off Jared!"

"Isn't it YOUR birthday tomorrow my love?" I kissed her neck as she ran her hand up around the back of my head and just ran her nails through my hair. "How can I top this for your birthday tomorrow?

"Baby... It IS my birthday! That is why Jared and I busted ass to get this done TONIGHT! It's 12:13 a.m...." Siren giggled... "And I asked Jared for the only thing I wanted for my birthday... And this was it!" Siren turned around in my arms and looked up into my eyes... "And Shannon, I wanted you." She kissed me again...

"So now she has to figure out what you want for YOUR birthday Shannon!" I hear Tomo laugh!

I smile as I hear my brother answer for me.... "I think his birthday is already going to be over the top... He asked to have his family back for his birthday, and that is what I delivered isn't it?" He laughed! "I just got lucky and got Jeanette back in the process. Now I know I have the chance to show you how to do this right." He kissed his wife to be again.

"Shannon you are too quiet!" Vickie yelled!

I smiled and bit my bottom lip and kissed Siren on the neck. "I'm just happy.... I can't ask for anything better except to marry Siren as soon as she will let me!" I kissed her neck again.... 

"So how bout Saint Patrick's Day? It will be close enough to when I am healed..." Siren winked at me and pulled me by the back of head in to kiss her.

"Shall we make it a double?" Jared laughed...

I heard my mother's hand connect with Jared's head. "You will let your brother have his day... You and Jeanette will have yours! Now... Shall we have birthday cake and celebrate? Or are we going to stand outside all night?" My mother laughed. We all went in and made this night in to a party!

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