My Sister's Confession

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I am bawling as Jean drives us back to my apartment... Not a word was said... I was furious... 

We get back into my house and I swing around and look at her.... 


My sister collapses on my sofa as she picks up the note Jared must have left on the coffee table...

You were right, I have to talk to Shannon. I do love you, and last night was incredible... But I have to see if he and I can even TRY to talk things through. I owe my daughter that... I owe my daughter the chance to know her parents did everything they could do to save their relationship... If I can't, and he doesn't want to try... I will be back, and we won't wait to be together... I'll marry you before Connie is born.... But I have to know. I'm sorry...

"I love Shannon... I can't deny that... You're my sister, and I knew, and I told him I loved him anyway..." I see Jeanette break as she crumples the note and finally lets her emotions go. "The night we found out Allan had found you, and that Jared had said you were his girls.... I knew you loved Jared too... I let myself get carried away with Shannon.... Even when we were sober. I tried to convince him we were better off together. That Jared would never want me back because we had slept together... He forgave me and I still wanted Shannon... I'm sorry!"

"Jeanette... You are my sister!... " I watched her recoil into herself like she did when Jackson was killed... "You and I have been through too much! What is REALLY going on...?" Jeanette wiped her eyes... I sat next to her on the sofa and just held her in my arms... I hear a knock at my door... I ignore it.... I hear it again, this time it's louder.... "Jeanette, I'm going to get that... then you are going to tell me the TRUTH!"

I go over and the brother's are standing there with Tomo and Vickie.... Tomo spoke up first.... "These two assholes are going to fix this... ONCE AND FOR ALL!" I step aside and the brothers are both escorted in to my apartment.... "NOW! Sit the FUCK down BOTH of you!" Tomo yelled!

"Until Connie is born.... AND THIS IS FROM YOUR MOTHER!" Vickie took me in her arms... "Shannon, Jeanette is staying with you.... if shit goes down and you two stay together... then fine... But for now Jared stays with Sarah..." 

Tomo pulled Jeanette to him and away from the guys.... "When Connie is born... Shannon is going to stay here... He is GOING to take care of his daughter... He will stay in our room Siren..." Tomo held Jeanette close... "No one is making a choice until Connie gets here! She deserves to be the focus... not who gets to fuck who!"

Jared and Shannon looked at each other.... Jared spoke this time... "No more marks until they make their choices... But I can't tell you I'm not going to be with her every chance she lets me..."

"You think I don't have feelings for Jeanette? Jared... if I had found Jean first, this WOULD NOT be happening!"

I almost hit the floor.... Vickie held on to me.... "Shannon, when you stay here... you are NOT aloud to see Jeanette... NOR is Jared aloud to interfere with Shannon being a father... UNDERSTOOD!" 

"You four are going to figure this out before it is too late and CONNIE is suffering... 6 weeks with the opposite partner... Jared... you will help her get to the hospital to have the baby... but it will be US in there with her. Shannon will bring her back home... NO MORE ARGUING! The rules are set... DEAL WITH IT!"


Tomo and Vickie left and the four of us sat there... 

Shannon stood up and spoke.... "No marks on any of us... It's to far! Cause if Sarah and I DO end up working things out... I have to live with the fact that my brother laid his teeth on my wife!" He stared Jared down as he moved over to Siren and pulled her into his arms... "I know you still love Jeanette and I know she still loves you! How would you feel if I did that to her?" There was FIRE in Shannon's eyes!

Jared stared him down! "You already said something just as bad so what's the point? If you had met Jeanette first this wouldn't be happening right?" Siren just lay her head on Jared's chest. "How do you think that made her feel Shannon!?"

"Jeanette made her choice... And you KNOW my thing for girls like her! She's smart, dominate, sexy, confident..." 

"The same things you said about her when you told me why you fell in love with my sister in the hospital room Shannon! I'm NOT her! I'm smarter because of her! I'm confident because she showed me what it was like to believe in someone as much as you love them! NO Shannon, if you had met me first this WOULDN'T be happening! Cause I would have STOPPED her from being with you! I would have told her how I felt.... She wouldn't have been alone in D.C. if my flight didn't get canceled!" Jeanette screamed at Shannon!

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