The Truth

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Jeanette arrived 20 minutes later with a bottle of Jack Daniels and a bottle of Grey Goose... Chucked me the vodka and cracked her bottle of Jack and slid down the wall next to me. Tapped bottle tops and just looked at me, "Start talking about how the FUCK my sister ended up with YOUR fucking brother? Or did I hear you say that wrong?" There was a fire in her eyes of pain, fear, angry, destruction, and betrayl...

I cracked my bottle and we both took a drink. She was gone what was the point... "Jared had warned me from day ONE that if I fucked this up with her, he would make sure that HE was the one to put her back together..." I laughed... "He always made sure to note that he would make sure I would watch him put her back together."

"Seriously!? OH MY GOD THAT MAKES SENSE NOW!!!! HOLY FUCK!" I saw her green eyes just light up in furry! "That's why he has been so close to her! I knew they had been together so to speak when you two had your big thing.... but SERIOUSLY! He's IN LOVE WITH HER! She's why he...." She burst into tears.... I put both bottles down and just held her.... "Shannon I couldn't leave because I do love him! I just wasn't ready to get married yet...

She sat up and took a deep breathe... I watched as she tucked her beautiful blond hair behind her ears..."That is why Jackson left my house the night he was killed.... I thought we were too young to rush into a wedding...  We had JUST gotten engaged.... I wanted to wait..." She looked up at me and I could see that this bottle wasn't the first thing she had drank today... To be honest, I hadn't told her I had found a small bottle that I had already killed myself before she got there. "Her ex's mom had been drinking and on her way home went by my house on her normal route.... Just about the time he left my house.... He was killed instantly..."

I saw her collapse in her mind... It was finally clear why she would be afraid to jump head first with Jared... I pulled her to me and just held her as she cried.... "My brother is just as stupid as I am... I told her I had to do a bike show appearance.... I got upset when she wanted me to cancel..."

"Yeah.... I fucking chewed her out for that...." She looked up at me quick.... Her eyes red and still filled with pain... "You were just trying to do what you had to do right? Wait... why did you lie to her? She needed you! What was so fucking important you weren't there for her?" She got mad....

"Turn around Jeanette... Look in that room... It was a surprise.... It's Connie's nursery, I was going to surprise her." I took another big drink and put the bottle back down... "I even redecorated my room... Got a new bed for us and everything! I wanted to surprise her. I wanted her to feel safe.... " I picked the bottle back up and took another drink... "I'm going outside for a smoke... Care to join me, I know you don't smoke but... The compnay would be nice..." I stood up and put my hand out to her. 

Jeanette picked up her bottle and took another drink before sliping her hand in mine and she stood up... "You know you have really sexy eyes when you're pissed!" She chuckled... "Now I see why she would always forget what she was doing when she was editing the photos of you..." 

I didn't think... I kissed her... I pinned her against the walll.... She wrapped her arms around my body with the bottles still in our hands as we kissed.  Jeanette ran her free hand up through my hair as I slid my hand down her thigh and pulled her leg around my waist.... I broke our kiss and just looked at her... I took both bottles and took her hand into Jared's room he stayed in on the other side of the hall way... 

"Payback's a bitch right?" I stared her in those beautiful emerald eyes.... I about lost it when she bit her bottom lip just before my lips crashed back into hers... We both started undoing clothes... Shirts... pants... everything... we went at each other like fire and gasoline! I pulled her on top of me on the bed... I slide my hand up and two fingers inside of her.... She moaned into my kiss... She got up and flipped around and made ME moan as she almost swallowed my dick! "Holy FUCK! And you are wet as shit!" I slide my fingers back inside and lick her into convulsions! I feel her cum HARD and almost take every inch of me down her throat as she did...I qucikly moved her off my face and left my fingers inside as I moved them.... "Get up, I'm going to fuck you till you scream..." I almost ordered her.... 

Jeanette dropped my dick soaked in precum and kept jerking me as she giggled..."I think I'm going to enjoy that..." She turned around and released her from my hand.... She pinned me back down and kissed me as she bit my triad... "Except, for the fact that I'm going to ride your dick till you cum...." With that she mounted me and slid herself on my dick.... I grabbed her tits and she moved her hips on me and it wasn't long till I felt her clamp down on my dick and I couldn't hold back.... The passion we had both put out running through us as we both screamed and exploded.... 

"Now that was one way to deal with the pain!" I laughed as we kissed and started for round two... 

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