The Stairs

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Jeanette and I left Connie with my mother and headed out to my truck. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and stared at the fire escape stairwell.. I turned and looked at Jeanette square in the eyes... I pinned her up against the wall by the throat. The look in her eyes said it all! 

"You fucked my brother in that stairwell!" I let go of her! "That's why you didn't want to take the stairs that day! Are you serious! The day you and he both bolted! I KNEW IT!" I was furious! "I can't believe..."

"So what! You were fucking my sister! It was nothing but sex Jared! We made our choices about you both! You were still trying to marry her until yesterday! Probably still would! Am I ever going to be your first choice Jared?" She was pissed!

"Why do you think I don't want to just fuck you! I want us back stronger than we were before! I'm not going to loose my chance to make things up to you for my end of this mess damn it!" I backed her up against the wall again... "If I have learned ANYTHING from all of this, is that I'm not going to risk getting tossed aside because someone is afraid! Or I didn't think things through!"

I stepped back and started walking to the elevator to get out to the car so we could leave... But I continued the conversation as we walked...Ironically hand in hand, "Or you didn't think things through! I've seen families torn apart over this kind of shit... And I'm not letting it happen with mine! And I know you don't want that for you and your sister either! So I'm sorry if I'm a little hurt... At least I was up front with what I was doing! You two better NEVER tell her about that! That will fuck her head up all over again and make her think she can't trust you two alone or something! She is that fragile right now!"

"You're still in love with her!" Jeanette tried to pull away from me as we got out side and I opened the door for her.

"Feelings don't just disappear Jean! Don't you know better than all of us on that one when it comes to her?" I motioned for her to get in so we could go... "Now, I am giong to ask you something, and I want an HONEST answer!" Jeanette nodded and I let go of her hand as she stood there with the door open... "I still have to deal with the fact that this is a 6 month deal any way you look at it... No one can lay a ring on anyone till then, so we are going to do this right.... So that means NO SEX! NOTHING! NO MARKS! NOTHING PASSED MAKING OUT! We are GOING TO DO THIS RIGHT!" 

"Seriously! YOU... JARED FUCKING LETO, the KINK KING is going to deny a woman," Jeanette got really close to me and looked me dead in the eyes! "You are going to deny a woman your pleassure for six full months!" She laughed.... Then got closer... Her lips were almost on mine and I knew what she was trying to do... She whispered after licking her lips... "I doubt I am giong to be able to keep my hands off you for that long Mr. Leto... I've heard you're a little dirtier in bed than your typical rock star!"

I slid my hand up the back of her ponytail and pulled her head over so I could trace my tongue up her neck to her ear lobe... I hear her sigh! I am grinning from ear to ear when I whisper, "You have no IDEA what you are in for when I do finally get to put a ring on your hand." I let go of her hair and rested my palm on her face as I gently kissed her neck before looking her in the eyes... "I honestly think they are going to get things right this time... But I also have to make sure I'm not just running from one set of feelings and into another that can blow up in our faces again... I'm going to make this right with you, wine you and dine you woman! You deserve to have someone show you what it is like to fall in love the right way, not just because it feels like it is safe, or because of a random chance... I'm going to make you see that you are worth more than hiding behind some curtain."

Jeanette was crying... "How the hell do I respond to that?" She tried to chuckle.... I kissed her lips softly. "That will work..." She smiled... Her green eyes made me weak. I kissed her again! Suddenly she pulled away... "We need to not be out in the parking lot Jared... Someone will see us and start snapping pictures..."

I looked down at her and slid between her and the door of my Jeep... I put my hands on either side of her face and pulled her to me... "Let them!" I kissed her and let everything I felt for her flood back. I was going to make it right... For all of us.... 

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