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We got back to the hotel and snuck through the back again. Everything was starting to get loaded up. We would be leaving in the morning. Shannon grabbed my hand and we went to the elevators. He had his hat back on and his sunglasses, so I left mine on. We got in and the doors closed, Shannon hit the button for the 9th Floor and as it started up, he hit the off switch.

"I need you to know I'm not going to hurt you like that." He looked at me dead in the eyes, pulled down his glasses, and I couldn't breathe... "I need you to know my brother, Tomo, Vickie, anyone that you work with on the tour in our close circles, no one will EVER let ANYONE hurt you like that again! Especially me!" He kissed me and pinned me up on the wall of the elevator. Shannon broke our kiss and flipped the switch for us to start moving again. Before I could speak he was on me again, kissing me pinning me on the wall of the elevator. The doors dinged and opened and he heard someone say, 'Get a room,' to which he responded, "Already got one, where the fuck you think we are going?" He never stopped kissing me. The doors closed and the elevator moved again.

We arrived on our floor and we went straight to Tomo and Vickie's room to get LoLa.  Knocking on the door Shannon never once let go of my hand. Jared answered the door, "Hey bro! How was the traffic?"

"Fine, where is LoLa?" Shannon looked past Jared like he didnt even exsist!

"She is asleep and Tomo is on his way back from the market, Vickie said he was making dinner for everyone to celebrate Siren coming to the crew!" Jared stepped out of the way before Shannon plowed him over bringing me in the door. "Is everything ok?"

LoLa was asleep on the sofa and Vickie was setting up for dinner. I noticed 2 other women sitting around LoLa just smiling at her and pointing. "Siren needs LoLa."

"Did you scare her that bad!" Jared chuckled.

"Shut up dick head! She told me something that was very painful for her and I'm making sure she has LoLa with in reach. You have NO idea what this woman has been through and I'm not letting ANYTHING make her feel uncomfortable Jared! So stop your shit! She picked me, I've picked her.... So with Robin and Emma here I will say this, if none of you like it, we will stay to ourselves. But I've made my choice, it's Siren... And tomorrow on the road, I'm putting it on twitter and instagram."

I was right, the women hovering happily over my LoLa were Emma and Robin. I was laying with her on the sofa at this point with my eyes closed just laying there with her. She woke up when I touched her, had leaned over, licked my face, and fell back asleep in my arms. 

"So this is serious then Shann?" Robin looked at him as he came over to me.

Shannon bent down and kissed my cheek pulling the throw on the back of the sofa over me and picking up the bike helmet, "I will never let anyone put their fucking hands on  her again!" he whispered as he just stared at me... "Tomorrow, the Echelon finds out there are 2 of us spoken for. I'll stay by her side till she tells me to go."

Vickie came over and touched his shoulder causeing him to rise up. In her other hand she held out a glass of wine to me, "None of us would ever hurt her Shannon, maybe you two should sit down and relax. Siren, I don't know if you drink wine, but Robin brought a bottle to share just in case."

"It might help calm your nerves a bit hun" I heard Emma say

I sat up and took the wine from Vickie, "Now that you are a part of the crew girl, you will never be alone. We will always have your back! Yeah, the fans will be upset, but they love the guys, and want the best for them. Tomo and I have had very few problems. You and Shann will be fine." Vickie sat next to me as Tomo walked in with the groceries.

"Who's ready to start this party?" He smiled over the bags...


Jared grabbed Shannon and they went out on the balcony. "Okay big brother, what the fuck happened?" Shannon grabbed his smokes out of his jacket pocket. "Okay.... You smoking again... Start talking!" 

"She asked to stop and get a pack for herself. She hadn't had one and with out LoLa, I could see her start to panic. So we stopped down the street on the way back.." I took one from the pack, put it to my mouth and lit it. I could feel the blood in my veins boiling! ... "Jared the asshole fucking beat her! He killed her son and tried to kill her!" 

Jared could see the rage boiling behind the hazel eyes of his brother. The one man who had been able to keep his cool with a lot of things was burning inside... "What are you talking about?" 

I took another big drag of the cigarette... "Siren, the reason she snapped earlier... She told me why she doesn't believe in love, she has EVERY reason not to! He killed her son!" I began to retell the story she had told me. "Have Robin look it up, I'm pretty sure it's there!" 

"I kind of already looked her up..." Jared looked ashamed. "I had to know who she was and I found her instagram account. "I was going to tell you to becareful how you deal with the kids issue down the road." Jared stopped and put his hand on my shoulder... "I'm sorry brother. That is actually part of the reason Tomo is doing this. Her roommate has Vickie's phone number, she called and told us everything."

I just looked at him.... I wanted to hit him! "WHY!"

"Because she wanted someone to know what would trigger her to mealt down. She said that the little boy would be turning two next month... And she didn't want someone not to know what could go down."

"His name... was Joshua, and I'll make sure she flies to meet up with us for Siren. I won't know how to help." I broke... I flicked the cigarette off the balcony and lit another one... "How do you console something like that?"

Just then I heard her voice, "You don't, you just let me go through the motions and emotions..." I spun around to see her standing behind me. Jared stood to her right and just threw his hands up like he didn't know what to say... She looked back at him and hugged him and took my hand. Vickie took her hand off Siren's shoulder and Jared went inside and closed the door. She took a cigarette out herself and lit it as she turned to me again to speak, "Shannon, Joshua was my son, I miss him every day... Until yesterday morning."

"Why?" I looked at her puzzled.

"Because yesterday, I met someone who made me want to move on from the darkness. And that is what my son would have wanted. For his mom to be happy... Not miss him so bad she forgot to live again." She pulled her sleeve up, revealing her tattoo once again... "I get to dream again...He would want me to remember who I am, not what Allan made me. Or Sondra tried to make me." 

I pulled her into my arms. "I will never try to make you anything exepct for my everything!"

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