The Agreement

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Before I could explain, Jared knocked on the door to Shannon's hospital room and poked his head in... "Everything okay in here you two? Mom said she will be ready in a few minutes..."

"Jared, could you go ahead and get Connie into her car seat please... I will meet you in the hall way in 15 minutes... " I asked him as I turned my head and pulled the paper over for Shannon to sign.

"Sure!" Jared could see that I needed to talk to Shannon about things... He came over and looked into his brother's eyes... "Just remember one thing little Princess..." I hear him whisper as he picks Connie up out of her father's arms... "There are a LOT of people who love you and your momma.... And NONE of us are going to let anyone hurt either one of you!" WIth that Jared took my daughter and left the room...

The look on Shannon's face was NOT helping how I felt for him.... Before I could say another word, Shannon's lips were on mine. His right hand around the back of my head pulling me to him! WHAT WAS HE DOING! I put my hands on his chest and against my better judgement gently pushed him away.... 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that... But I needed you to know how I felt." Shannon looked at me and put his right index finger under my chin and lifted my face to look into those FUCK ME  eyes.... "I'm not going to sit back and let him just walk away with you! I've already told my brother that... The agreement that we made... Ask him about it... See if he tells you the truth..."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I glared at him.

"I can't stop you if you want to sleep next to him... I don't care... He IS your best friend and as much as I hate it... Your boyfriend... I get that! But he knows I'm going to show you I'm the same guy you fell in love with... I just fucked up! The agreement is, simple... If you pick me, Jeanette and him have to give it another try!" Shannon took a deep breath and wrapped his fingers back around my face... "Ok... I lied there is more... The only thing neither of us can do is sleep with you... He knows I'm going to try this!" And with that Shannon kissed me again...

I wanted to smack him and make love to him all at once...  I was so mad at him! He KNEW, I TOLD him I was with Jared.... WHY would he?... Just then Shannon reminded me of just ONE of the reasons I fell in love with him... I hear him growl as he kisses me, his massive hand on my face, his control over me just took me back to how we ended up in each others arms the day we met... The electricity I felt from him....  I didn't know how much longer I could resist Shannon.... Thankfully he felt it and pulled away with a simple peck on my lips as he lay his forehead on mine...

Looking into his eyes I feel him lay his left hand in the cast on top of my right leg.... I speak first this time.... "Shannon... as MUCH as I enjoyed that!.... And trust me I did...." I took a deep breath and pulled away from him.... "That can't happen again... I am with your brother... And to me that is still cheating... I don't care what you and him discussed... and yes, I WILL deal with Jared on that... But... I'm not going to be some groupie that you two pass between you..." I got up and headed towards the door... "I never went behind your back... You knew I how things were with Jared... Even when I did make my OWN mistake.... I have to deal with that too..."

"Do you think that still matters to me Siren? I messed up... I lied to you... I should have been there when he came after you... I will NEVER forgive myself for that! But I..." 

"Shannon, I fogave you for that when I saw Connie's nursery.... But the fact was, and IS... I SLEPT with Jared that night.... I told HIM how angry I was.... and how I felt.... but I didn't tell you... And so I can't hold you and Jean sleeping together against you.... Jared told you what happened and how he felt about us.... So I can't be angry for that..."

"Then why are you fighting me Siren?" I heard the poison in his voice....

"Because.... how do you go back? How do you erase feelings for someone? How do you fall out of love once you have fallen IN love with them?" I was in tears.... "I still love you Shannon... I never said we would be getting back together... I just said I still had feelings for you! I can't marry Jared knowing I still think I am in love with you..." I wiped the tears off my face and walked out of the room.

Jared saw me and pulled me into his arms.... He just held me as I cried...

"He will forgive you... you're his brother!" I bawled as I curled myself up in my boyfriend's arms... "He kissed me Jared.... And I can't tell you I didn't kiss him back..."

"I know... I'm not mad.... I know he still..." Jared tried to comfort me...

"NO! I can't keep playing this stupid back and forth.... I'm with you.... The next time he tries anything I'm pulling you into my room and that is where you will stay.... I won't wait the 6 months... I can't keep doing this!"

"You forgave him for sleeping with Jeanette.... I'm pretty sure he is over the fact you and I have slept together..." Jared was trying to reasure me.... "Siren.... I saw him kiss you..." He pulled my face to look at his... "I know you still love him! Why are you clinging to me if he is who you want?"

"Because I don't trust him Jared. He is pulling this whole scheme about some agreement you two have about you and Jeanette and all this..." Jared's face looked like he had seen a ghost... "OH MY GOD HE WAS TELLING ME THE TRUTH!" I shoved Jared away from me... "SERIOUSLY! IS THAT WHY YOU LET US HAPPEN?"

"NO!" Jared pulled me back into his arms.... "I just didn't get to tell you about it first.... I SWEAR! And NO! That is NOT why I am here with you.... I'm with you because I WANT to be.... I forgave Jeanette... AND Shannon for what happened with the two of them.... She even forgave ME for what is going on with us... I have been NOTHING but up front with you... Why would you doubt me now?" Jared held me in his arms so close..... "I asked you to be mine didn't I? I went all the way to Ireland to get you the perfect friendship ring.... I WILL have a ring to put on your hand in 6 months.... But!" He lifted my head and kissed my lips softly...As he wrapped my in his arms and pulled me close to his chest I hear Jared whisper.. "You have to make sure you don't love him anymore.... Just like I can't love Jeanette anymore..."

I look up at Jared and am pretty sure Shannon is watching this whole fiasco out here... I look at Jared and see the passion in his eyes for me and I just can't resist his lips.... I kiss Jared as I pull him into me with my arms around the back of his neck.... Jared kisses me back in the middle of the hallway outside Shannon's room.... Almost like Jared didn't care who saw us.... His right hand around my waist, his left pulling me into the kiss that HE now controlled....

"Let's get you down to my mom and get you home..." Jared uttered as he finally breaks our kiss... "I still can't be the one who takes you and your daughter home.... That is just NOT right... She is Shannon's daughter... I can't do that to him.... OR you..." I feel him pull away from me and pick up my daughter's car seat. I open my eyes and he is still staring into my eyes.... "I love you, and I will fix this with my brother... I will call you when I leave here to see what I'm getting for all of us for dinner. Do you still want to do that welcome home party for all three of you?"

I look up at Jared and lay my head on his muscular chest... I feel his right arm flexed as he hold my sleeping Princess... I can't help but wrap my arms around his waist as he pulls me under his left arm and leads me down the hall to the waiting nurse and wheel chair... 

"Yeah..." I sigh as I feel him tighten his grip on my left hand that is laced into his... "I don't know how I'm going to handle being a mom again Jared... I'm scared."

"You will be just fine baby... I'm going to be there to help you... So will Shannon... And of course my mom! She rented out the apartment next to you and made it into like Leto Family Central!" Jared laughed...

I was glad to have him...He calmed my fears almost as much as LoLa did... Above all else, Jared really was my best friend... But the big question still remained... How do you fall out of love with your soul mate and in love with your best friend? Shannon was everything to me... But Jared... he and I just FIT! What was I going to do?

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