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 I woke up the next morning and reached for Siren... She wasn't there... I shot up out of bed and didn't see anything of hers... No... No... NO! Where is she! I grabbed my phone and called hers... Straight to voice mail... I called Jeanette... her phone did the same... I dialed Jared's phone... 

"Calm down Shannon, they are at another hotel. She wanted to make sure no one knew where she was going... They didn't even tell me... Go out in the kitchen... She probably left a note by the coffee pot... Jeanette left one for me beside my laptop. She knew I had VYRT stuff to do today for us..."

I still had him on the phone when I found the note... 

Shannon, I'm fine, Jeanette and I left before anyone woke up so we could sneak me and her out of here. Tomo and Vickie have LoLa, I left the guitar case with them as well so you all could figure out how to get me back to L.A. or home... At least there he wouldn't be able to find me... There weren't any photos of me at the co-op.... or at the house with Nikki... The only photos of me besides Joshua's funeral were the ones of me with you guys... So at least I know I'm safe there... There weren't even photos of me and Sondra... So he didn't see me in Harpers Ferry working on my photos and guide, so I think I could even go there... I'm not abandoning you Shannon, I'm just trying to keep our baby safe. I love you and I will call you soon... *~*SIREN*~*

"Jared... if something happens to her..." I feel my hands shaking... 

"I'm on my way over... what ever you do... DO NOT PICK UP A DRINK! I have coffee for you... I just saw Jeanette, Vickie is going to check on them later... You and I have to stay as far away from them as we possibly can right now... Just relax, I'm hitting the elevator now." With that my brother ended the call and I headed to get dressed. 

Three minutes later my brother was knocking on my door. I answered it and Jared stood there with Tomo... They both looked like they hadn't slept.

"She's going to be fine.. Jeanette is with her and so is Vickie..." Tomo came in and pulled me in for a hug... We were guys... we didn't loose our control over our emotions... Except when it came to our women... Tomo and Siren had become very close... He was like her older brother. Vickie and her had become 'besties' as they called it... She was always with Siren when she wasn't with Tomo...

"We are going to fix this Shannon... I give you my word.... As your brother, I will NOT let anything happen to her or the baby..."

I felt like I was going to pass out... "She told me the names she was thinking about last night..." I took my coffee from my brother and flopped on the sofa... "At least she is still trying to keep things together in her head. I don't know how she is doing it... How is she getting through this? Why won't she let me be there for her?"

"Shannon, stop!" Tomo put his hand on my left shoulder. "She is stronger because of you.... She knows you are on her side... The only reason Vickie has LoLa bringing her to her is because she whined for Siren... She knows something is wrong with her momma... So she wanted to be with her."

"On a happier note!" Jared sat down next to me... "She finally talked about baby names! Are you all finding out what that little one is going to be?"

I laughed... Jared was trying to calm me down... It was working.. He had always been able to stop me from stressing out... He was a great brother... "She was thinking of Christopher Joseph for a boy... and Victoria Constance for a girl... And no I don't know if we are figureing out anything before they are born... I'm just glad it isn't twins!" I laughed again and nudged my brother... "I could only imagine how much hell we gave mom that I'm going to get back 10 fold with this one... They are kicking me while she sleeps!" 

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