Siren's Birthday....

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SIREN's P.O.V.        

Shannon was right... No matter how hurt I was we couldn't make love... I knew it would do WAY to much damage and we wouldn't be able to be togther for ever longer! But I was still disappointed. I didn't have any idea what they had planned for this dinner.... But I was hoping Tomo and Vickie would bring LoLa back home before dinner. I hadn't seen her in a day or two, and I missed my little one eyed cuddle bug. 

I was in the closet in my floor length blue cotton robe when I heard Shannon's voice from the living room. "Hey beautiful, I'm going to have to meet you at dinner. I left your birthday present at my house. I'm going to  run by and get it with mom's car."

"Okay... Be safe baby..." I yell from the depths of fassion hell I was in. I felt like Bella in her closet after Alice went shopping for her in the Twighlight books...  I hear the knob on my bedroom door starting to turn as Shannon knocks... "You can't come in! I'm not dressed yet!"

I hear him laugh so hard! "Like that matters to me! Hello woman! You're going to be my wife, and I had your ass screaming my name the night we met! I think it's going to be okay if I see you naked... I did earlier didn't I?"

"But I want to surprise you again... I like showing you I'm not just some country bumpkin..." I hid behind the closet doors. 

I hear him laugh again... "I love that you think I don't see past that already... You're perfect to me the way you are. You're the mother to my child, the woman I want to spend my life with... Clothes mean nothing to me. I see your heart, your passion, your caring... I see what's really there Siren... So if you want to have fun showing off your confidence, I'm going to enjoy seeing it. I love the way you surpise me with different aspects of you every chance you get... So take your time beautiful. Just remember, what you where isn't as sexy as how you wear them. Your smile and your eyes and your heart are what made me fall in love with you!" 

I felt like I was going to cry... Shannon Leto wasn't just some bad ass fucking drummer, coffee freak, sex god... He actually had a SOFT side. Like in what universe does that happen? "Did I mention how sexy you sound when you're mushy..." I had the biggest smile on my face. "That's the best part about you to me. You aren't just some bad ass... You're a real soul... You're creative, and..."

"I have an idea," Shannon interupted me.... "How about we write our own vows... Tell me then. I want to hear you tell me why you love me when you marry me. In front of everyone, I'm want them to know what made me fall in love with my wife, and why I asked her to be mine... I don't think either of us want some huge ass wedding, so why can't we bear our hearts to our family. I think it would mean more to both of us. What do you think?"

I beamed in my head. The smile on my face felt like it couldn't be taken away. "Deal... I like that! Now go so I can get ready... Who's picking me up?"

"Emma, cause Tomo and Vickie have Connie, they are going to meet me at my house, then drop LoLa off back here. So... Emma is going to come pick you and mom up. I will bring Connie with me." I hear his voice was getting closer... I hear his hand run across the closet door I'm standing behind. "Soon enough you'll be hiding from me in a wedding dress. That's going to be a great picure! We will have to do that..." I could hear the smile in his voice... "I'll see you at dinner. I love you!"

I put my hand up on the door and looked at my ring. It was different... There were two amethyst added to it... the center diamond, the saphire on either side, and now there was an amethyst added to either side. I hadn't noticed it in the dark last night! I cried... I pulled the door open and he was still standing there... 

"I wondered if you would see it... I knew you couldn't have noticed it in all the comotion last night. Do you like it?" He had the biggest smile on his face, and Shannon's eyes were like golden honey. "I didn't know if you would like it or if it would make it too over the top. I know you're a simple girl..."

I kissed Shannon before he could say another word. "Shannon... it's perfect! I love it.... I love you.... I can't believe it! It's perfect!"

"I did kind of go over board for your birthday present.... And you're wedding present... And I kind of already thought about your wedding band, you're going to hate me for that one..." He chuckled... "I like spoiling you... You don't ask for anything, you do everything for yourself. We have to FORCE you to let us do things for you. I'm marrying you! Get used to me giving you things and you not having to worry about money anymore. You can tour with us or you can stay home... I don't care!... I just want you happy and with me every moment I can have you with me."

"That's all? I am just handed the keys to forever?" I was still in his arms, in my robe, hair done, make up on... and Shannon is telling me everything any one woman could ask for. 

"Baby, you were handed those the day you said yes to coming with us in that coffee shop! I was MAKING you mine! Now here you are!" The smile on his face made me WET! It was sadistic! 

"You know that is not helping our situation...." I smiled at him as I pulled him to me to kiss him.

When Shannon's lips met mine it was different ... It was electric, more than ever! But gentle at the same time.... His right hand wrapped around  the back of my neck, thumb under my chin, powerfully encompassing! He was in complete control of this. Like he was making sure I felt every move his lips made, pushing against me backing me up on the wall. Every kiss was slow and powerful as his teeth bit down on my lip, I hear a growl escape his lips.

"I'm going to enjoy being your husband." His eyes were almost chocolate with gold laced through as he looked into my soul. "Happy Birthday my Siren... Just wait baby, I'll make it all up to you! I promise!"

"I can't wait!" I smiled... "I love you Shannon, you are my heart's desire, and I'm so happy you tracked me down almost a year ago."

"It has been almost a year... April 1st if I remember correctly!" Shannon had that same shit eating grin on his face! "Shall we get married then?"

I couldn't help but laugh.... "I love it! April Fool's Day... THAT is why I couldn't believe you were seriously coming after me! I thought it was big ass fucking joke!" I smiled as I kissed Shannon and slid my arms around the back of his neck... "That was until you pinned my ass to the speaker boxes back stage! I had no will left to fight you after that! And I'm not in ANY way regreting letting you past my walls. They crumble when I look in your eyes! So YES! Let's get married on April 1st. that is perfect!" I felt like a princess...

"Okay, we'll tell them at dinner tonight! Now go get ready, I love you more than you could ever know!" Shannon whispered. "Just remember that when you see your birthday present from me." He winked at me and kissed my lips one last time before he left.

I was almost afraid to think about what he could have done. I just stood there and realized what was actually going on.... I was standing in the middle of an apartment that I wasn't paying for with an eight day old daughter, whose father was the drummer that made me weak in the knees... I was going to marry him... This was happening! My heart leapt! I wanted to cry! My mom and dad had said somethings to me on the phone when we spoke last about the pictures of Connie I had sent her...

'Siren, your dad and I are so happy for you! You look like you are the happiest we have seen you since you and Jeanie were together. And honestly, you couldn't have picked a better man Siren. We are so happy for you and Jeanette. You both deserve to be happy! Now, your children will grow up together and your family will be close!"

I can't believe it.... My sister was holding out on me! I was going to pry it out of her! I smiled at the fact of her and Jared having a baby together. I had to focus! Emma would be here soon, if not Constance! So back into my closet I went.... Now I just had to show them a side of me they hadn't seen yet.  I had a perfect idea!

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