Her Smile!

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Siren was in tears as she kissed me. I finally manage to pull her face to where I can see her. and regretfully break our kiss. "No arguments! It's not over..." I turned her around to see both LoLa and Angel Eyes standing with her best friend from Maryland standing behind her. "I made sure Nicole didn't miss your birthday. She's been hiding at my house since before I left your apartment. That is what I had to go get. So we tested out the dog kennel in the back of your new jeep. They loved it! That is why the hard top is off it. I knew Tomo had Connie in his car. So Nicole and I let them have some fun. It's all covered so they can enjoy being in the back. And Connie can still ride in the back seat with the hard top off. I had it custom done so the back came off just for the dogs."

"Yeah babe, Angel Eyes has come to stay with her momma... She has missed you!" Nicole finally grabbed Siren and hugged her, both of them crying.... Nicole finally let her go and laughed as she tried to wipe away the tears. "You have got some new crew woman, I have to say! You told me you were getting kidnapped by a drummer, you weren't lyin'! He has brought they sexy back out of you girl! I haven't seen this since the night I took you out for your 21st birthday!" Nicole was beaming!

"Hey, I guess I really am like the shine, I look sweet and innocent, but watch out!" She managed to joke. "I couldn't have done it if you hadn't told me Jean called and found out I was headed her way. Like, I needed my sister back, now I have you both, so I think I can say I'm finally..." Siren just stopped. She bent down and pet the dogs as they just licked her face... "It's proof that I made it through. Joshua would be proud of what I've done. I'm not scared anymore...I don't know how, but I'm starting to feel like,"

"Yourself?" Jeanette had walked over. "My dad was right. you were so shattered when Joshua died. And he even said, it was going to take a miracle to bring you back. I guess we got that miracle. I'm glad to have that crazy side of you back. I've missed it. We've always been so close, all three of us! Now, we just have to make sure Nikki finds a man!" She laughed.

"Nah, got one... I'm surprised Siren never noticed the other reason I stayed over at the co-op. Mike finally took his head out of a car engine and on to the crazy dog lady from next door!" She blushed. "He's gonna miss Angel, but he knows she belongs with you. He got quite attached to her when he moved in last fall." She had a big smile on her face. "He said he missed you and wanted to come, but had to finish up on a last minute project for a customer. Big job, needed to be done really fast! Special instructions and everything! So he just couldn't leave. But he said happy birthday, and that the farm just isn't the same with out you there."

"Did he ever get a lead on that bike I asked him about?" Siren asked. 

"He said he was looking, but he just can't seem to find the right year with the color you asked for. He's trying to see if he can find the exact bike. He's got a few connections, so keep your head up, we'll find it. If anyone can find your grandmother's bike, it's Mike."

"So can we finally stop being mushy and have some fun? I want to see my daughter and go inside, I'm tired of feeling girly! I'm more at home in the dirt with the dogs and horses than I am being all hormonal. I did just have a baby, so the 'suck it up' button isn't fully functional right now." Siren laughed.

My mother was crying, I went over and put my arm around her at the same moment Jared did. "You okay mom?" I whispered.

"Do you see Siren's smile? And Jared, look at Jeanette! Their smiles are like on fire, and even Nicole! It's like nothing has ever separated them for any reason." She had a smile on her own face at this point. "I don't think any of us have seen her smile like that!"

"I have." Jared said softly. "The nights she sings on stage. She'll catch a glimpse of Shannon, and her face just LIGHTS up! Just like it is right now. She's letting down her walls, I've seen her do it before, but it was the night she didn't stop until she mastered that song! It was Philadelphia. And then in New York, before we left the hotel. She came off that elevator and she was strutting across the floor. She was so proud! Like she felt invincible that night! That is why she fell so hard Shannon. She was on top of the world, and it crashed. She really has taken everything and put it behind her if she looks like that tonight. She's complete, I see it... I hope you do too."

"I do, trust me, I've never felt so, complete. Except for behind the drums. And you know if I could take back what happened..."

"It's over, she doesn't even think about it anymore. Look at the way she is smiling and playing with her dogs. What woman plays with dogs in 3 inch heels and a pants suit?" My mother laughed. "She is starting to get over everything, she is becoming who she was meant to be. Siren... There is nothing left of Sarah, except for the love of her son. That scar she will carry all her life. But she is moving on, and it is because of BOTH of you!" My mother was right...

"So can we have some fun tonight?" I hear Siren call over to us.

"I'm going in, there is good food, wine, and that baby is getting all my wife's attention. So I am going to steal the baby from her so she can have some fun too!" Tomo yelled! 

"Before we go in Siren," I pull her hand into mine and step aside from everyone.... "I want you to move in to my house. I'm tired of having you away from me, I'll redo anything you want and everything if that is what it takes."

"Shannon, you're house is perfect! Do you really want a baby tearing up your beautiful decor! We can stay at the apartment and when we aren't on tour and I'm not visiting mom, you have some where to work and think..."

"You're running Siren..." I look at her and lightly touch her face. "You don't have to run, I know what a baby will do, I have a daughter and I will baby proof! Just like every other parent! I'm not living apart from you anymore."

Siren closed her eyes, and then softly laughed as she bit her lip ring. "You know Mr. Leto, that's an awefully big step, I mean... Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? We've only had a baby together and are getting married, I think that is just moving a BIT too fast!" She looked at me with that same world crushing smile and dimples! I just melted and kissed her! "I'll move in to your house when we get back from our honeymoon. Until then, let's finish out the next month at the apartment and pack stuff up, but yes, I'll move in to your place Shannon!"

"I love you are a smart ass!" I kissed her once more and we went inside!

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